All posts by Mrs McCreadie

Sharing Kindness

As part of our health week at Mount Carmel, we wanted to look at loneliness and how our mental health is just as important as our physical health.  We used our money from our fundraising to gift an afternoon tea package to the local care home, Crossgates. We wanted to show the residents that we care about them and that we are their friends at Mount Carmel. Our lovely Primary 6 children delivered the treat to our friends.

Special Visitors at Mount Carmel

We were super excited when we were told that a special visitor was coming to see us at Mount Carmel. Our friend and author Shirley came to read us a story all about Captain Conkers. The story was amazing!! She talked to us about what it was like being an author . She then told us that the illustrator was a man names Maurice who went to Mount Carmel when he was a little boy. This was exciting enough…and then Captain Conkers appeared to give us a lovely surprise.  Mrs Fergusson was so excited, even she stole a picture.

Primary 4 Communion retreat

On Saturday the 7th May, the children that are preparing to celebrate their Holy Communion are encouraged to attend a retreat alongside Father Martin at St Josephs parish.  This retreat will begin with a mass at 10am which parents are invited to attend along with their child. After mass, the children will stay with Father Martin and the team to continue their preparation for Communion. The children should then be collected at 2pm at which time there will be a short parents information meeting about the upcoming sacrament.  We hope that you are all able attend. It will be a day filled with prayer and lots of fun!

Dress down day

At Mount Carmel we like to celebrate everyone’s individuality. That is why on Friday 6th May we are having a dress down day. Children can wear whatever makes them happy and confident. As always though, we ask that absolutely NO football colours are worn. This includes any teams that the children may play for.

We also kindly ask that the children bring in £1 donation to participate in this day. This will go directly towards funds for our Health week activities. The staff cannot wait to see what the children will be wearing.

Primary 4 have put together a short video to tell you what they have in mind…

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Primary 4 Term 4 update

Primary 4 Term 4 update

It is great to see the children back after their Easter break refreshed and ready to learn. I hope you all had a lovely time together spent with families and friends. As we approach the last term of Primary 4, there is still lots to do and lots of learning that will take place. Here is an update of what we will cover in class in the term ahead.


Our topic last term was a roaring success. We learned all about charities and how we can help others. The children were amazing during this time and were able to plan and organise our entire Lent activities for the whole school over a span of around 5 weeks. We raised a whopping £600 for SCIAF which is absolutely amazing. I am so very proud of their achievement as well as their enthusiasm during this topic.

Moving forward, our topic this term will be Scottish castles. We will focus on 6 of the most well-known castles around Scotland and explore their history. We will also look at Mary Queen of Scots as a small sub topic and how she visited some of these castles at different points in her lifetime.


The children in the class are working well in their groups for all aspects of literacy. Please continue to support your child in accessing bug club at home as the ‘bug questions’ that pop up during their reading task helps them in their understanding of literal and inferential questions.

Note taking is an essential skill that will be a focus for us during this term. Within this we will concentrate on what constitutes a note, how we organise notes as well as what a key fact is and under what heading it would belong. We will explore different ways that these notes can be recorded, for example, in written form with bullet points, mind mapping etc.

In terms of our Grammar, I have seen massive improvements in our understanding of the English language. Last term had a focus on dictionary tasks, sentence writing, as well as verbs and their tenses (past, present and future). This term will look towards adjectives, nouns, proper nouns, similes, metaphors and onomatopoeia.

Much of our writing this term will be focused around our topic. We will look at explanation texts (a leaflet/ a brochure) and this will need the skill of note taking as well as how we use time connectives. We will also look at some Scottish poetry and attempt to write some poetry of our own.

We are continuing to develop our ability to listen for instructions and show what a good listener is. This term will see the introduction of solo talks. This will take the form of show and tell once per week and then a presentation in front of the class towards the end of term.


The children have worked extremely hard last term with both addition and subtraction. The term ahead will be challenging as we have lots to cover in our numeracy; however, the children in P4 are absolutely up to the challenge! This term we will be learning all about multiplication and division. This is why the children have been working on their time tables since August and the retention of their facts is crucial in their learning. We will particularly be exploring how our multiplication facts can link to our knowledge of division as well as the mathematical language associated with this.

This term will also see us focusing on fractions, decimals and percentages. The children will be introduced to concepts such as nominator/denominator and simplifying fractions.

Our beyond number topics will be measurement (length, volume, capacity, weight, area and perimeter as well as all of the language that is associated with this), angles, symmetry and grid referencing (language describing movement and direction/clockwise and anti-clockwise).

Health and Well-being

Our health week within school usually happens in this term which will allow us to explore different aspects of how we can keep ourselves and other safe. Alongside this however, we will also be taking a focus on substance misuse. We will also be looking at ‘God’s loving Plan’ and the vocabulary associated with the different parts of our body.

In terms of P.E, the class will hopefully be doing a lot more P.E outside (in the sunshine – fingers crossed) where we can focus on our knowledge of athletics, orienteering and outdoor games in general. We will also have our second block of gymnastics. The class completed their first block last term and I was very impressed at the confidence and skill of some of the children. We will continue to work on their confidence as this is usually the biggest barrier to learning within a topic like gymnastics.


I am so very proud of Primary 4 in terms of their R.E. Some of our children celebrated their sacrament of confirmation last term and they represented their families, their school, myself and themselves brilliantly. The children who didn’t were an excellent support and gave constant encouragement to their peers. As well as this, due to their hard work and organising skills, the school managed to raise lots of money for SCIAF and the Ukraine humanitarian crisis fund. A great big WELL DONE!!

This term will see the children celebrate the last of their sacraments which will be their Communion.  As part of their preparation for this, we will explore the Rosary and how we can pray the Rosary ourselves or as part of a group. We will continue to learn about Jesus and his love for us as well as explore stories from the bible.

Expressive Arts

Much of our expressive arts this term will be completed as part of our new topic. We will look at clay modelling within art, script work/writing through drama, as well as how we can give constructive feedback to our peers which will help them develop their performances.

Modern Languages

The children will continue to learn French with Mrs MacKinnon. They have already been learning all about the capital of France and can discuss different tourist attractions within Paris. This term will focus on the children talking about themselves in French.


As always, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your ongoing support. Have a lovely May bank holiday.

sunshine-sun-clip-art-with-transparent-background-free-free-clipart-sun-2361_2358-2  | Vancouver Intergroup Alcoholics Anonymous

School Counselling April Newsletter

Please click the link below to see East Ayrshire School Counselling and Psychological Wellbeing Supports Newsletter…

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Primary 4 Curricular update

Primary 4 Term 3 update

It is lovely to see the children all back after the Christmas break. I hope you all had a great time together and that Santa was good to everyone. Now that the children are rested, it’s time to get back to work. Here is an update of what is coming up in the term ahead.


Our rainforest topic was a great success with lots of rich learning taking place. Our topic this term will be focussed around the work of charities, with a particular focus on the charity Missio. This is the Pope’s charity for world mission and will link in nicely with the Sacrament of Confirmation that some of the children will be celebrating. The class will complete this topic throughout the Lenten period and will be responsible for organising fun Lent activities to raise funds for the charity.


Reading – The children are making excellent progress in their reading skills. They are reading with much more expression and fluency as well as beginning to utilise their word attack strategies to help them decode difficult words. This term will continue to look at how we summarise texts, a skill that we can then use in our writing. Another focus for this term will be the children’s opinions on what they are reading. They will learn how to evaluate a text from the author’s point of view. They will share their thoughts and feeling on what they are reading and this in turn will help shape them into the kind of reader they will be.

Writing – This term, the children will continue to look at narrative writing whilst using their description bubbles to aid planning. We introduced free writing as part of our routine which gives the children the opportunity to write about anything that they would like to, whether it be comic books, or short stories. In terms of new skills, the children will be encouraged to develop their awareness of conjunctions and connectives and how these can be used effectively in their writing. The children will also be trained in how to read over their work to ensure they have met their success criteria for that particular piece of writing. The children are continually encouraged to complete neat work and take care of their presentation when completing tasks; however this is something that requires more attention as they progress in their learning.

Listening and Talking – This term, we will continue with listening for instructions and acting appropriately. The children will also be developing their ability to be a ‘good, quality audience’ which means looking eyes, listening ears and proper body language. When presenting, we will be concentrating on speaking clearly as well as good eye contact and relevant information.


I am delighted in the progress made by the class in terms of their numeracy. They can now use several strategies to attack a single calculation. Their number talks strategies are valuable as we continue to explore addition and subtraction within 3 digits. Our prior knowledge of place value will also help us in partitioning these numbers to help us calculate within these operations.

We will spend time looking at word problems within addition and subtraction and how we can extract the relevant information from the problem to enable us to solve it.

The children will also continue to look at and learn our 3, 6, and 9 times tables. We will explore maths within the real world through our enterprise topic in which we will explore the charity ‘Missio’. We will also organise activities to raise funds for the charity which will work towards our understanding of numeracy in our real world.

In terms of our beyond number topics, we will continue to look at time, money, data handling and measurement.

A big focus this term will also be our ability to use mathematical language and solve simple equations.

Health and Wellbeing

As well as our PATHS programme which will run throughout the year, we will be looking at our bodies this term and how we can keep ourselves healthy. We will look at food, allergies and how our bodies gain energy from the foods that we eat. As an ongoing learning input, we will continue to look at how our choices have consequences, both negative and positive and how these choices impact on the relationships we build.

Our physical education inputs will be gymnastics, hockey, basketball and tennis throughout this term with Mrs MacKinnon teaching two of these sports and myself teaching the other two. Our P.E. days will continue to be a Tuesday and a Thursday. PLEASE ENSURE YOUR CHILD HAS INDOOR SHOES FOR THE PURPOSE OF P.E. ON THESE DAYS. THESE SHOULD NOT BE SHOES THAT THEY WEAR TO SCHOOL.

Religious Education

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the children in the class who celebrated their sacrament of reconciliation in December and I would also like to thank the rest of the children for supporting their peers on this journey. We will begin preparation for our sacrament of confirmation after the holidays which will take place on the 22nd February 2022. As part of this preparation, we will explore the celebration of the Passover and how Jesus celebrated this festival. We will also explore Jesus as our teacher and his teachings.

Expressive Arts

Within Art this term, we will be looking at the work by an artist called Piet Mondrian who was a Dutch painter. We will also hopefully explore the use of clay in modelling.

Our music inputs will focus on the children showing a certain control over certain instruments as well as identifying the main instruments used within pieces of music.

Our drama inputs will take place during our PATHS sessions.


Our knowledge of the general use of ICT is definitely improving. Last term we were able to use the ICT suite, laptops, sphero robots, iPads and applications within each of these. The children are much more confident in how this equipment should be used. This term, our focus will be on the safe use of ICT and the internet. We will learn about the safe use of the internet with a specific focus on internet safety day on the 8th February as well as our digital footprints.

Modern Languages

The class will continue to learn French with Mrs MacKinnon this term. Their knowledge of the French language so far is very impressive.


Last term, the children explored the use of renewable and non-renewable energy within their topic of energy. This term, we will learn all about electricity and what we use it for.


As always, thank you for your ongoing support.

Take care, Mrs McCreadie


Primary 4 Term 2 update

Primary 4 – Term 2

Primary 4 have worked extremely hard last term with lots of excellent learning taking place. They have settled well into their new classroom and routines. I am very proud of how they have adapted to the changes that they have experienced since P3. Here is an update of what is coming in the term ahead.


We will continue with our interdisciplinary topic of the rainforest. The children are really engaged in this topic and due to the excellent questions that they have had regarding this topic, we will continue learning about the rainforest (with a particular focus on the Amazon Rainforest) until the end of December. This term our learning will focus more on the climate change occurring as a result of deforestation and how this is affecting everything from the animals who live in the rainforest, to the melting ice caps in the arctic.


The children are now excellent at accessing their reading texts both with a hard copy of their book as well as bug club when we get the opportunity in the ICT suite. We will continue to use our word attack strategies to help us decode new words, which will help build our confidence when presented with unfamiliar words. There will also be a focus on reading with expression and fluency. This can be encouraged at home when the children are reading anything at all. It’s all about confidence!

Through our writing activities, it has become apparent that the children need lots more practise in their tools for writing. This includes the use of capital letters and full stops as well as neat handwriting. The children will also be encouraged to use their spelling helpers to help them in writing words that they are unsure of. Encourage your child to ‘have a go’ when it comes to spelling. We know in Primary 4 that mistakes help us to learn.

We have also started using description bubbles when we are completing a piece of writing and some of the vocabulary that the children are coming up with is excellent. This ability to describe things in detail will help them in our new focus for this term of narrative writing. We will be looking at the structure of a story and what our criteria is to achieve success.

Our listening and talking focus will continue to be following instructions within school. We will also look at what an appropriate level of noise is for the classroom, playground and gym hall. The children will be encouraged to develop positive body language and eye contact whilst having discussions with their peers. This has not changed from last term as I do not feel that the children are fully achieving this target quite yet. That being said, their ability to discuss and explain different things is definitely improving. It is evident in our discussions during PATHS time as well as their explanations during number talks time that they are maturing and this is a skill that will develop with practise.


I am so impressed with the class in terms of numeracy. We have had a visiting teacher from the Scottish Attainment Challenge in our class 3 times per week for a few weeks and the children have completely engaged with her in terms of their learning. This term, we will be looking at estimating and rounding of numbers whilst using our knowledge of place value. In terms of our number operations, we will be concentrating on addition and subtraction whilst continuing to practise our time tables.

Another concept that has been introduced to the children is number talks. This concept teaches children how to solve calculations using different strategies. This enables children to have ownership of their own learning by using the strategies that suit them best to solve calculations. This will be something that benefits the children as they make their way through the school.

In terms of our beyond number topics, Mrs MacKinnon will be teaching the children about money and how they should be using this. They will be concentrating on recognising and using money up to the value of £20 and the vocabulary that accompanies this topic. Mrs McCreadie will continue to look at time with the children. We will focus on o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past in both digital and analogue time.


Health and Wellbeing

Our P.E days are currently a Tuesday and a Thursday. The children can wear comfortable bottoms on these days but should bring indoor shoes into school on these days.

The children will be learning the skills required to play football and badminton this term, as well as looking at dance nearer to the Christmas term.

Primary 4 already partake in mindfulness every day. This allows the children to find a 5 minute quiet time in the middle of a very busy day. The children have been introduced to the massage in schools programme and all said it made them feel calmer and more relaxed. Different strategies will be developed throughout the year which will empower children to deal with stresses that they encounter in their day to day lives.

As part of our PATHS lessons, we will also be encouraging and nurturing positive relationships within the class and school. This is with peers and adults alike. Manners are a must as well as respect. We will explore what makes a good friend and what strategies we can build upon to help us with our resilience and help us regulate our emotions. The children explore the emotions that they feel and there is a focus on all emotions being ok, it is their behaviour that is sometimes unacceptable.


This term is extremely important in terms of the children’s faith journey. Many of our children will be making their Sacrament of Reconciliation during Advent. If your child is making this Sacrament then keep a look out for information and work to be completed at home. If your child is not making the Sacrament, then it is important that they come along on our journey and learn about why different religions have different ceremonies.

Expressive Arts

Art – Our focus within art will be tone, shape and shade of colours. The children have already been introduced to the word ‘texture’ during our description time at writing but they will explore this during art too.

Music – Primary 4 will be introduced to different instruments that are used to create different moods and genres of music.

Drama – Drama will continue to be looked at through our PATHS lessons in the form of role play.

Dance – Dance will be a focus during our P.E. time closer to Christmas.



As our independence continues to develop in Primary 4, so does our ability to use IT equipment. Our focus in Primary 4 this term will be to continue using our skills we have so far (practise at logging in etc) as this encourages independence. The children are also at an age now where some of them are going online without adult supervision (playing with their friends online etc) and it is therefore important that they know how to keep themselves safe whilst they are online. A focus on internet safety for the foreseeable will allow discussion and scenarios to be used in teaching the children how to keep themselves and their information safe while they use the internet.

Modern Languages

Primary 4 will continue their French this term with Mrs MacKinnon. To begin with, the children will  revise previous learning to refresh their memory on greetings, counting etc before they move onto new learning.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all. I am thoroughly enjoying being the Primary 4 teacher this year and I am loving getting to know your children. They are all wonderful. Speak to you all soon in our telephone appointments.

Take care and stay safe,

Mrs McCreadie


Primary 4 Term 1

Primary 4 – Term 1

 Primary 4 are already working hard! There is a lot to cover in the term ahead but also lots of fun to be had! Here is an update on the upcoming term.


Our interdisciplinary topic this term is the rainforest. We have already started this and the children are really enjoying learning about it’s different aspects, for example the layers of the rainforest and the animals who live there. A lot of our learning will be done though this topic with poems, graphs, drawings and much more being explored.


Our reading focus this term will focus on the skill of comprehension and how the children can understand, analyse and evaluate fiction and non-fiction texts. We will be introducing the use of our find it, prove it and talk about it strategies to investigate our texts. Our class novel ‘The Giants and the Joneses’’ has already began and the children are loving the interdisciplinary approach to learning within this novel. This will be our focus for literacy tasks this term and our bug club be reintroduced shortly for our personal reading and homework texts.

Through our writing activities, the children will be focussing on their tools for writing. Handwriting will also be completed at least once per week and neat presentation will be encouraged in homework jotters too.

Our listening and talking focus will be on following instructions within school. We will also look at what an appropriate level of noise is for the classroom, playground and gym hall. The children will be encouraged to develop positive body language and eye contact whilst having discussions with their peers.


The class will be focussing their 2 and 4 times tables. We have already began on working on our understanding of Place Value and what value each digit holds within the columns (Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and units).

In terms of beyond number, the class have already begun exploring the properties of 2D and 3D shape. We have already investigated edges, faces and vertices of 2D and 3D shape. Time seems to be an area that the children lack confidence in. With that, we will be learning about time for a long period of time over the next couple of terms. Long term exposure to this should help with retention of this subject.

Another concept that will be taught throughout this year will be number talks. This concept teaches children how to solve calculations using different strategies. This enables children to have ownership of their own learning by using the strategies that suit them best to solve calculations.

Health and Wellbeing

Our P.E days are currently a Tuesday and a Thursday. We are currently learning about our fitness and how we can develop our stamina, agility, accuracy, balance and co-ordination. We will shortly be moving onto ball skills.

The children already have a good understanding of how being active will help them to stay healthy. We will soon be looking at how sleep and rest are also required to stay healthy.

Primary 4 already partake in mindfulness every day. This allows the children to find a 5 minute quiet time in the middle of a very busy day. We will soon be embarking on the massage in schools programme. Different strategies will be developed throughout the year which will empower children to deal with stresses that they encounter in their day to day lives.

As part of our PATHS lessons, we will also be encouraging and nurturing positive relationships within the class and school. This is with peers and adults alike. Manners are a must as well as respect. We will explore what makes a good friend and what strategies we can build upon to help us with our resilience and help us regulate our emotions.


R.E. this term will look at one of God’s greatest gifts – free will. The children will look at the idea of choices and what makes a good choice. There will also be a focus on baptism, looking at the children’s baptism as well as the story of Jesus’ baptism. This will begin the children’s journey of their sacraments that will take place this session. We will be learning different hymns and prayers throughout the session whilst also taking an in-depth look at what the rosary is used for.

Expressive Arts

Art – Our focus within art this term is drawing and printing. We will explore line, shape and tones of colour.

Music – Primary 4 will continue to work on our appreciation of different genres of music, whilst using our online Charanga music resource.


As our independence develops in Primary 4, so does our ability to use IT equipment. Our focus this term will simply be on the use of the ICT equipment. Logging on and off of the laptops and accounts will encourage independent learning. Typing skills and mouse control are also skills that will be focussed on throughout this term.

Modern Languages

Primary 4 are very lucky to be learning all about the Spanish language with Mrs Fergusson this term. They have already looked at greetings, questions and will soon be moving onto the days of the week etc. I am very impressed!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continuing support. We have a very busy year ahead but it a year that will be filled with fun and learning.

Take care and stay safe,

Mrs McCreadie