All posts by Miss Morrison

Breakfast Club

If you have received a letter offering your child a space at Breakfast Club for Session 23/24 please return to the school office no later than Friday 30/6.

We currently have a waiting list for spaces at breakfast club therefore if we don’t receive your letter by this date accepting the place allocated to your child we will assume that the place is no longer required and allocate the space to one of our waiting list children.


Teacher Gifts

We have been struck by the number of adverts, shop displays and social media posts about teacher/staff gifts at this time of year.
We want to let you know that none of this is necessary.  It is upsetting to see that there is so much out there putting pressure on families to believe that this is what school staff expect. We don’t!
We do our jobs because we love it! We love your children and the best gift for us is having the privilege to be alongside them as they grow and develop.
So, once again we remind our families that a simple ‘Thank You’ is more than enough.
From all of the staff at Mount Carmel


Teacher Gifts

We have been struck by the number of adverts, shop displays and social media posts about teacher/staff gifts at this time of year.
We want to let you know that none of this is necessary.  It is upsetting to see that there is so much out there putting pressure on families to believe that this is what school staff expect. We don’t!
We do our jobs because we love it! We love your children and the best gift for us is having the privilege to be alongside them as they grow and develop.
So, once again we remind our families that a simple ‘Thank You’ is more than enough.
From all of the staff at Mount Carmel

School Crossing

Unfortunately we will have no School Crossing Attendant available to help the kids cross the road  on either Wednesday 21st June am & pm and also on Friday 23rd June am & pm.

Please ensure that if your child is walking to school or being dropped off that they are accompanied by a responsible person who can ensure that they arrive at school safely.


Blair Drummond – Information

A reminder that the pupils MUST be in school no later than 8.15am on the morning of the trip as the buses will be leaving at 8.30am sharp and are unable to wait for any latecomers.

Buses are scheduled to return to the school at 3.30pm. All children will then be dismissed at 3.30pm from their classes.

Children to wear school jumpers, comfortable clothes and comfortable shoes. Snacks should be eg fruit, crisps etc – no large bags of sweets or crisps and as always no fizzy juice.

Please send your child with a plastic bag with their lunch/snack in it.

No schoolbags on the day.

Do not send money with your child as we will  not be visiting the gift shop.

Breakfast Club 23/24 Session

Now that the closing date has passed for applications to be completed for the 23/24 session of breakfast club.

We will notify all parents/carers w/b 19/6 as to whether or not there child(ren) have been successful in being offered a place for session 23/24

Please note that all outstanding payments for session 22/23 must be paid before a place for session 23/24 will be offered.


Cost of Living Payment

Extra payments to help with Cost of Living

Including those in work, on a low income and entitled to certain benefits or tax credits

You may be entitled to up to 3 Cost of Living Payments of £301, £300 and £299, if you get any of the following benefits or tax credits on certain dates:

  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Income Support
  • Pension Credit
  • Universal Credit
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Working Tax Credit

The £301 paid-

Between 25 April 2023 and 17 May 2023 for most people on DWP benefits

Between 2 and 9 May 2023 for most people on tax credits and no other low income benefits

Then following that-

£300 paid during autumn 2023 for most people

£299 paid during spring 2024 for most people


For further information visit:


Free School Meals


Clothing Grant applications for the current academic year 2022/23 need to be made by Friday 28th April 2023.

The applications for the next academic year 2023/24 will open on Monday 1st May 2023; the processing of these applications will not start until June.

Free School Meals

If your child qualifies for free school meals then they would be entitled to receive a two course meal worth £2.15 per day.

For the current year 2022/23 you can make an application up until the end of this term.

The applications for the next academic year 2023/24 will open on Monday1st May 2023. You need to apply each year, as the award is not continuous.

Check if you qualify and to apply online–

Clothing grants and free school meals · East Ayrshire Council (


Good Luck

Dear Parents/Carers

Today I pass on the sad news that Mrs Taylor our Early Years Practitioner, (funded by the Scottish Attainment Challenge) will sadly be leaving us to take up a new post at James Hamilton ECC.

Mrs Taylor has become a highly valued member of our school team, her knowledge and expertise has brought a true wealth to our Mount Carmel family. Her love and devotion to the children and staff has shone throughout her time with us.

We wish her every success in her new role and she will be truly missed.

Kind regards,

Mrs Fergusson

Head Teacher

Mission To The Moon

We are delighted to be participating in East Ayrshire Council’s Active Travel initiative Mission to the Moon. The aim of this project is to get young people walking to school in a bid to further reduce our carbon emissions here in East Ayrshire, while also reducing congestion at our school gates and promoting Active Travel.

 Earning S-Miles (‘School Miles’)

Each time our young people travel to/from school by walking, scooting/cycling, they will earn an S-mile for their class.


Park & Stride – pupils will earn an S-Mile even if they walk part of the journey to/from school. Bonus S-Miles can be earned by parents/siblings/staff walking the journey to school too!


A walking circuit will be available in the playground for pupils who travel to school by taxi/bus and for any pupil who wishes to gather bonus S-miles for their class during break/lunchtime. Class walks, outings and Daily Mile time also earn S-Miles for classes.


Our Eco Committee will collate our S-Miles each week in school and send our totals to the Climate Change Team at East Ayrshire Council each month.


Our S-Mile Journeys

In Mount Carmel we have agreed that our first target will be to walk the length of the Zambezi River.  This links to our Lenten SCIAF appeal, which this year is focused on supporting families in Zambia. Many children there walk up to 10 miles a day to get to school.  The length of the river is 1599 miles and we hope to accrue the equivalent miles in 3 weeks.


We will try our best to collect the miles we need within the timescale we have set. Once we have reached our target destination, we will decide on our next destination and time scale.



The Launch!

We will begin collecting S-Miles week commencing Monday 20th February and continue on our travels during the rest of Term 3 and 4. Once all participating schools across East Ayrshire have banked 238,855 S-Miles, we can launch our EAC Clean Green rocket, sending it all the way to the moon!

We look forward to keeping you updated on our progress via our school app and blog throughout the year.

Mrs McGahon

Depute Head Teacher

Underwear Donation

Free Childrens Underwear Cliparts, Download Free Childrens Underwear ...

It’s the time of year when our kids have lots of small slips and trips and enjoy sliding in the mud, and they often need a change of clothing to keep them comfortable for the rest of the day.

We are looking for some donations of childrens underwear (tights/socks etc) used or new to be handed in to the school, if you have any of these items spare, we would be very grateful if you could kindly hand these into the school office.
