All posts by Miss Morrison

Primary 7 Secondary Transfer Application-Reminder

Dear Parent/Carer

Your child is due to transfer from primary to secondary education at the beginning of the new school session (August 2024).

Online P7 transfer applications were due to have been made no later than Wednesday 24 January 2024. 

If you have NOT already completed the online transfer application form please do so via the link below as a matter of urgency.

Thank you

Secondary school hand books are available at:


Important Information

Dear Parent/Carer, 

The Scottish Government are currently consulting on the delivery of Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenting within Scottish schools. 

You can read about the proposed content and delivery via the link shown below, and I would strongly encourage you to do so.   

Delivery of relationships, sexual health and parenthood education in Scottish schools: draft guidance – ( 

In addition, and perhaps of greater accessibility/ease of reading, Parents/Carers may find that the RSHP website provides a clearer insight into the content often recommended for delivery against the above guidance. 

At Primary School age, the curriculum is at Early to Second Level. 

Early Level 

First level 

Second Level    

As a Catholic faith-based school there are elements of the proposed content linked to the guidance that may, depending upon individual perception, sit in direct contrast to the faith dynamic of our provision, which naturally permeates our ethos and delivery.   

We absolutely understand and welcome the fact that not all of our pupils are Catholics, but also recognise strongly that all families sending their children to our school respect and understand our ethos, and the central role that faith plays in the wider life of the school and in our daily practice. 

Given that parents/carers are the first educators of their children, I feel it is imperative that you are fully aware of the above consultation and are encouraged to submit a response. 

The previous version of the guidance was very clear in acknowledging the rights of Catholic schools to deliver Catholic teaching on aspects of human relationship and sexual development. The revised guidance has removed this reference.  

Encouraging parents/carers to do so is also strongly advocated for by the Scottish Catholic Education Service (SCES) and the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland. 

SCES, on behalf of the Bishops’ Conference has produced a briefing paper for the consideration of parents/carers who have elected to send their children to Catholic schools. This briefing paper is attached for your information. 

SCES has also produced a supporting consultation return that you may, if you see fit, elect to refer to prior to making a response. Both of these items have been combined in the attachment provided.

As with any consultation, parents/carers are free to respond in full, in part or not at all. However, parent/carer voice is extremely important and central to the education of children in schools across Scotland. I sincerely and strongly encourage you to try to complete a response prior to the consultation deadline of Thursday 23rd November. Responses can be submitted via this link: 

Consultation Response 

Parents/Carers wishing to make a response by post can do so by submitting a response to: 

RSHP Teaching Guidance Consultation 

Area 2B North 

Victoria Quay 


EH6 6QQ 

It is my understanding that responses need not address every question within the consultation. I am to understand that some parents/carers are electing to respond to questions one and six specifically. It is for individual parents/carers to determine whether or not they wish to respond in full or in part.  

Thank you for your support in this matter. 

Kind regards

Andrea Fergusson

Briefing Paper and Letter Template For RSHP consultation (1).pdf

Wider Achievements – Term 1

Wider Achievements

At Mount Carmel Primary School we want to showcase and recognise all of our achievements.  This includes items that they take part outside of school such as dancing, football, gymnastics, swimming – the list is endless.  Please take some time to detail some of the activities your child takes part in out of school and any special awards they might have received recently as part of this.  If you have any photographs that you would like to share please email these to

School Lunch Menus 2023/24

We have attached a copy of this years school lunch menus for Primary Schools.

Remember if your child(ren) are P1-5 they are entitled to a free school meal each day, and if your child is P6-7 and would like a school lunch daily then the cost of this is only £1.08.

If you would like to apply for FSM entitlement for your child(ren) then this must be done every year.

We have enclosed the link below should you wish to apply for free school meal entitlement.

Apply online · East Ayrshire Council (

Primary Menu 2022 to 2023 (

School Meal Crunch Deal

The Council is introducing a lunchtime School Meal Crunch Deal within our schools for just £1.08.

The deal will run from August 2023 to June 2024 and will be available to young people who pay for their school meals.

Our Primary Schools

Within our primary schools, the menu options remain unchanged but we have reduced the price of a school meal for P6’s and P7’s, who pay for their school meal, to £1.08.

Our school meals will still be nutritious, with locally sourced quality ingredients prepared daily.

Our Secondary Schools

Within our secondary schools, the Crunch Deal includes any main meal or any ‘grab and go’ option with water, a piece of fruit and the choice of a yogurt, homemade soup or a biscuit.

Young people can still purchase individual items from our menus at interval and lunchtime at full price.

Young people who receive a Free School Meal can continue to choose the same hot meal and ‘grab and go’ options for free using their full daily allowance.

You can view our menus and find out more about school meals online. 

School Meal Crunch Deal

The Council is introducing a lunchtime School Meal Crunch Deal within our schools for just £1.08.

The deal will run from August 2023 to June 2024 and will be available to young people who pay for their school meals.

Our Primary Schools

Within our primary schools, the menu options remain unchanged but we have reduced the price of a school meal for P6’s and P7’s, who pay for their school meal, to £1.08.

Our school meals will still be nutritious, with locally sourced quality ingredients prepared daily.

Our Secondary Schools

Within our secondary schools, the Crunch Deal includes any main meal or any ‘grab and go’ option with water, a piece of fruit and the choice of a yogurt, homemade soup or a biscuit.

Young people can still purchase individual items from our menus at interval and lunchtime at full price.

Young people who receive a Free School Meal can continue to choose the same hot meal and ‘grab and go’ options for free using their full daily allowance.

You can view our menus and find out more about school meals online.