All posts by A FERGUSSON

Interim Report

Due to current regulations we are unable to have parent/carer meetings this term.   Primary 2-7 class teachers will provide a written interim report for each child.  These will be sent home on Friday 4th December.

Primary 1 parent/carers will receive a phonecall from the class teacher the week beginning Monday 30th November.  Further details regarding this and a choice of days and times will be sent to Primary 1 parents/carers in due course.

Homework Primary 2-7

Dear Parents/Carers,


In Mount Carmel we are following a new homework procedure in line with our current restrictions. On a Monday your child will receive their personal Homework folder. In this you will find a login card with details of all logins and passwords that may be required over the coming months. The folder will also contain a Homework Task Grid and for some classes there may be a copy of a reading book. To begin with homework will focus on reading and active literacy. Over the coming months there will be a variety of tasks from different areas of the curriculum.

The Homework Task Grid will provide details of a core reading task which must be completed, a selection of Active Literacy Tasks and an additional Sumdog task. Please help your child to choose two of the Active Literacy Tasks. There is no expectation that all tasks will be completed.

We ask that all homework folders are returned to the school on the Thursday to allow for items to be quarantined appropriately. New homework grids and reading books will then be provided on the following Monday.

We thank you for your continued co-operation and support at this time.


Kind regards,


Mrs McConville

Access to technology and evaluation of home learning

Due to technical issues this survey has been added to the school website.  If you completed this through survey monkey your results may not have been saved.  Please complete again on this page or on the paper copy provided to your child.

This questionnaire is available online and also as a paper copy.  Please only complete type per child. Please complete all areas of this to allow us to provide the best service possible if a future school closure was to occur.


2. Which class is your child in?(required)

3. Does your child have access to technology at home? A computer, laptop, iPad or a tablet.(required)

4. During our school closure period were you able to access Home Learning materials? (required)

5. If school closure was to occur again, how would you like to access Home Learning tasks? (required)



Collection of Pupils from Monday 24th August

From Monday 24th August there will be a designated area in the school playground for children to be collected at the end of the school day.

Primary 1 -3 parents/carers can continue to access the lower school playground at the end of the day to collect children.

Primary 4-7 parents/carers are required to wait in the Primary 6 and 7 playground to meet children.

The school gates will continue to be closed until 2.55pm.  We request that no one enters the school grounds until this time.

Dropping of children

From Monday 17th August we ask that parents and carers no longer enter the school playground to drop children at school.  Children will walk on their own from the lower school entrance gate and upper school entrance gate.  A member of the management team will be at these gates to welcome the children to school.

Primary 1 parents and carers may continue to enter the lower school playground until children are collected by their teachers.  We ask that from Monday 24th August Primary 1 parents and carers no longer enter the school playground to drop children at school.

The reason for these changes is that we want to keep children and families safe and support social distancing.


Letter from Head of Education

Letter to all parents/carers from Head of Education

Tuesday 4th August 2020 10:29

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope that this letter will find you and your family well and enjoying a well-earned summer break, albeit in rather different circumstances.

Following the recent announcement from the First Minister on the return of schools, I am delighted to be able to furnish you with further detail on our plans to reinstate education for young people in East Ayrshire. I speak for all staff when I say how much we have missed having our young people in our schools. I am very aware that this will be an anxious time for families and young people and hope that this communication will help you as your young people return to school. Our key focus as we return in the immediate sense is to support the wellbeing of everybody involved.  At this stage, I wish to express a note of sincere thanks to your Parent Council Chairs who have been an active part of our Local Phasing Plan workstreams and have attended several meetings over the summer break in this regard.

Date of Return of Pupils
As per previous communications, the Health and Safety of all has been our overriding priority. I am also acutely conscious that some of our young people require enhanced transition and many learners will not have visited their new schools until now.

With this in mind, almost all schools in East Ayrshire will undertake a “soft start” approach from Wednesday 12th – Friday 14th August to allow young people to experience what will be a new environment for all of us.  Individual schools will let you know their specific arrangements, including who should attend each day.

We have asked our schools to prioritise children in P1 and S1 in the first week, and know that the “very first day at school” for P1 is one to be cherished and celebrated. Please know that schools are making individual arrangements to allow parents to arrive with their children and capture this moment in some way.  Schools will communicate these arrangements individually.

Given this planned partial attendance of pupils, we would ask that any families for whom this causes difficulty, to please approach the school for assistance, bearing in mind that emergency critical childcare ceases on Thursday 6th August for Early Childhood Centres and Friday 7th August for school-aged children. All pupils in East Ayrshire should be therefore be attending full-time by Monday 17thAugust, other than young people with ongoing health issues, quarantining or self-isolating. We would encourage parents and carers to contact their school if there are any issues or concerns around attendance that schools may be able to help with.

Early Learning and Childcare (ELC)
Each ECC will work towards the delivery of 600 hours of early learning and childcare taking account of the refreshed ELC guidance and public health measures published on 30 July 2020.

ECCs that delivered 1140 hours prior to lockdown will begin to reintroduce the delivery of 1140 hours of funded early learning and childcare on a phased basis. The increased hours will also be introduced in the new build Nether Robertland Early Childhood Centre and the new build Netherthird Early Childhood Centre on the same basis.

Further information for each individual ECC will be published on the Council website during week beginning 17 August, which will set out the timeframe for the delivery of hours in each location. I would ask for your patience while our staff work through these detailed arrangements.

Wellbeing and Learning
Your child’s wellbeing will always be our prime concern and staff are ready to welcome your child back to school in a welcoming way that links to our ongoing work on relationships across all of our schools.  You can access our pupil wellbeing framework here:

In addition, we have been actively seeking views of parents and carers in regards to wellbeing and would welcome any further responses to our wellbeing survey which closes on Friday 7th August:

Our teams are ready to recommence learning at all levels, but a few activities such as choirs and assemblies are unable to run at this stage, as per guidance.  Children will also encounter some adaptations to PE and practical lessons to keep everyone safe.  Music tuition will also be delivered in a different way and parents /carers will be contacted where appropriate.

Transport and Arrival of Pupils
School transport will run as normal and pupils should access their assigned transport as normal.  Where pupils are dropped off at school by car, we respectfully ask that this is not directly at school gates to prevent entry areas becoming overcrowded.  Clearly this will not be the case for young people with additional support needs who require to be dropped off in school proximity.  Your child does not require a face covering for school transport, but is absolutely welcome to wear a covering should they prefer to do so.  Sanitation of hands will be expected on bus entry (for public and school transport) and staff working as escorts in taxis will be wearing a face mask.  Your school will also provide further information on pick-up and drop-off areas at the start and end of the day.

In accordance with government guidelines, parents will not be able to enter the school, and arrangements will be made with you directly should an emergency occur and you require to come to collect your child.

Ongoing Measures to Protect your Child/Children and Your Family
We have worked alongside your Parent Councils, Headteachers, the Council’s Health & Safety Team and Facilities & Property Management services over the summer period to ensure a safe return to school.

All schools have a set checklist and risk assessments completed in accordance with our Local Phasing Plan. There are a great deal of practical measures that we seek your support for as our young people return, in addition to the actions that we have undertaken/will undertake as pupils return.

All young people will be asked to wash or sanitise their hands on arrival at school and this will be encouraged throughout the day.  We would ask all young people to bring clean tissues to school where possible, and they may bring their own personal sanitiser if parents wish. School clothes should be washed as per normal routine and we ask that pupils limit personal items brought to school to those that are essential.

Clearly our cleaning routines are aligned with guidance, and indeed exceed this, communal areas will be cleaned regularly and access controlled to limit numbers in any toilet or limited space.  High traffic and “touch-point” areas will be cleaned regularly through the day.  Further information can be found here:

With regard to physical distancing, the guidance is clear that there is no requirement for this in primary or secondary settings; however we wish to encourage this in all settings, particularly with our older secondary pupils.  We have issued guidance to all of our staff to reduce any unnecessary movement of pupils around schools and will encourage pupils to remain in groupings wherever possible.  A list of supporting actions has been issued to Headteachers to keep your young people and our staff as safe as possible, and signage and communications with our young people will reflect this.  Assemblies and other large gatherings such as school shows and Parents Evenings are unable to be held in the first term, subject to continued review and scientific advice.

Staff physical distancing from pupils is endorsed by the guidance at the standard 2 metres, and whilst we recognise that this will not be possible in all sectors, please understand that some of our staff will need to wear PPE where this is not possible.  We are already taking the most supportive measures that we can in recognising that this will be difficult for some of our pupils.

Detailed discussions have been ongoing with our Facilities teams and I am delighted to advise that a pre-order system will be in place for young people in our schools, this will take a differing format from primary to secondary.  Further details of school catering can be found at this link.

Schools are arranging a variety of ways to distribute food following detailed discussions between Headteachers and School Catering Managers and all issues around allergies will be taken account of as always.  We ask that our pre-order system is supported wherever possible to expedite the distribution of food to our young people and keep everyone as safe as possible.

It is likely that most food will be consumed in classrooms initially to prevent mass gatherings of pupils in dining areas.  Food will be pre-packed and will feature hot and cold options and pre-packed cutlery. No breakfast or break food will be available at the very start of term, but this will be under constant review and provision will be expanded in time as we begin to settle back to routine. We therefore ask that parents ensure that young people have access to breakfast and bring a snack, if needed, until further notice.  We are happy to assist any parents or carers who may have difficulty with this, please alert your school if this is the case.

Pupils can continue to bring a packed lunch and we ask parents to work with us in actively encouraging young people to remain on the school site for lunch, as we are unable to supervise any provision made outside of school.

COVID-19 Surveillance
A national COVID-19 surveillance system is being initiated for staff and senior pupils involving testing on a voluntary basis, and we have been working with our local Public Health Teams to plan for any scenarios that may arise in our schools or ECCs.  We ask that parents and carers support us in the following ways in this regard:

  • Please do not send your child to school or ECC if they, or any of your household, have symptoms or a diagnosis of COVID-19.  Please alert school immediately if this situation arises.
  • Please arrange to pick your child up from school immediately if you are contacted to advise that they are symptomatic, and follow subsequent medical advice.  Schools have to ensure that any child who is symptomatic is taken home, according to the guidance.

Contingency Planning
Please know that schools have contingency plans ready, should there be any change to this plan for return, either through any change to physical distancing or indeed local or national lockdown being required.  Clearly, we do not wish to use these unless necessary, but we hope that parents and carers will be reassured to know that these are readily available.

There is, as yet, no full announcement on the SQA exam diet for 2021, we continue to canvass on your behalf for clarity for our learners and staff, particularly given that these courses have indeed commenced. A separate communication has been issued to young people receiving results today.

Some Practicalities…
In summary, we absolutely appreciate that this will be a return to school involving a huge mixture of both anxiety, but also indeed joy as young people see their friends and staff again. As a final helpful list to parents, can you please support us by:

  • Reinforcing hygiene measures and social distancing with your child(ren).
  • Having your child bring tissues to school to capture any coughs or sneezes.
  • Ensuring your child does not bring unnecessary items to school.
  • Working with your school in a positive way, even if things are difficult, we all want to help.
  • Reinforcing positive relationships between children and our staff.
  • Using our meal pre-order system and giving your child a break-time snack and breakfast, please let us know if we can help with this
  • Not dropping children off directly at school gates (where possible), this will help us prioritise this space for young people with additional support needs who require this access.
  • Understanding that we are not permitted to allow visitors to school buildings, other than in emergency or other exceptional circumstances.
  • Following individual uniform advice issued by your school, as we appreciate some families will not yet have been able to access this.

Next Steps
Your school will send you a specific communication about their individual return plans within the next 24 hours.  Can I please ask that you bear in mind that school staff will return on Tuesday 11th August in regard to any further queries you have specifically.

Can I end by thanking you all so much again for your support of your child’s learning.  My teams and I simply cannot wait to welcome them all back to school.

Kindest regards,

Head of Education

Sent To You By East Ayrshire Council

On Monday 3rd August and Friday 7th August we are organising a school grounds tidy from 10am to 2pm. Come along for a short time or for the full time.

Please bring your own gardening gloves and tools to use.

Children are welcome to come along but must be supervised by a responsible adult.  Please follow government rules regarding social distancing.

We want our school to look great to welcome our children back to Mount Carmel.

Together we are #TeamMC

Final Assembly Friday 26th June

Hello boys and girls and welcome to our final assembly of the year.


Let us begin today by taking some time to pause and speak to God. Fr Martin had filmed a final prayer and his thoughts for the year,

Thank you Fr Martin – you have such a special way with other children, we know how much joy you bring by taking the time to share your thoughts and prayers with us.

Thank you to Mrs Crawford and all of our staff for our Throwback Thursday. Follow this link for the most up-to-date items.

Now today we have some special words from out Head Teacher Mrs McConville.

Dear Boys and Girls,

At our last learning assembly I want to look back at some of the wonderful things that have happened in Mount Carmel this session.

When I came to our school in October the inspectors had just visited again. They said that everyone had worked really hard to make the school better and they didn’t need to come back to visit us again. This made us all really happy.

We said a sad goodbye to Mr Forsyth but his gift of the disco ball means he will always be part of the Mount Carmel family.

The Hallowe’en discos were a spooky success. I have never seen such brilliant costumes.

You worked hard to earn house points up to Christmas. The House Captains and Vice Captains making sure you did your best at assembly and keeping track of the totals. The winning House Red enjoyed a trip to the cinema to see Toy Story 4. We didn’t tell them we had a great time back in the school that day too watching the Lion King!

Our trip to the Palace Theatre was a great success despite the horrible weather that day. It was extra special for the lucky children who got to be on stage, Indigo and Liam will remember Cinderella for a long time.

The Christmas Fayre was incredible. I have never seen so many people in the hall. Families were so generous donating things to The Friends of Mount Carmel who organised the Fayre and the discos. A huge sum of money was raised and the FOMC have been most generous buying us a new Coomber, microphones and yummy things for our discos, not forgetting the selection boxes. No that’s not right the selection boxes came from someone else! Thanks for coming to Mount Carmel this year Santa and please come back next year.

The pantomime was great (Oh no it wasn’t, Oh yes it was) but the best show all year was the Infant Nativity. All the boys and girls worked very hard, but not as hard as the teachers J Such talent; it was amazing. I know the adults who came to see it loved it as much as I did.

Primary 7 had an extra special time at Lockerby Manor. I am sure they will remember all those exciting activities for a very long time. I know Miss Mudge and Mr B will.

There have been lots of activities for everyone this year. It’s hard to remember them but I will try, swimming, cycling, community time, Magic Mount Carmel, EuroQuiz, Knex, Class Assemblies, rugby, football, multisport, parties, discos, choir. Apologies if I have missed out your favourite, there was just so much going on.

Other two goodbyes we had to say this year were to Mr McMillan and Bill. The best Jannie and Lollypop Man in the world. We will miss them both.

Throughout the year we have had the opportunity to visit Our Lady of Mount Carmel on many occasions. It is always lovely to see how well behaved and respectful you are when we are in Church. It was a special year for some of our P4s who received the Sacraments of Confirmation and Reconciliation. I want to thank Fr Martin for everything he does for us. He is a special part of our family here in Mount Carmel.

Well boys and girls our year didn’t end the way we expected. We have really missed you over the past few months and are looking forward to seeing you all in August. Welcome to our new Primary 1s and farewell to our Primary 7s.

There are many people I want to thank for making me feel so welcome as your head teachers. The Parent Council for being so supportive. All the teachers and support staff who are amazing. Mrs Fergusson and Mrs Mc Gahon, my two right hand women I couldn’t do without. Finally boys and girls I want to thank you and your families for making this the best school ever.

Have a lovely holiday and I will see you in August.

Love Mrs McConville x


As our assembly comes to an end today we have one final video to share. Thank you for participating in our Sports Day – Please welcome our Sports Day Champions.


Boys and girls we love and miss you all. Have a great summer and we will see you all in August.


Stay safe, with love


Friday 19th June School Assembly

Hello boys and girls,

Welcome to our assembly today. Let’s start our time together with a prayer and hymn from Fr Martin.


Thank you Fr Martin for such a lovely start today.

Last week we had all of our amazing sports events. Thank you all so much for taking. We have an exciting video to premier next week showing your fabulous achievements.

The participating teams were:

Team Hoy

Team Doyle

Team Granger

Team Murray

We are excited to announce that the winning team with 5,355 points (which Mrs McGahon studiously counted) is:


Team Granger!!!!

Well done Team Granger we are so proud of all you.

Certificates will be sent to the email addresses all the children that participated and special winning certificates will also be emailed to you.

Congratulations again to you all!

As we come closer to the end of our academic session… MCPS presents…


What a year it has been at MCPS! Although it has been different, we still have lots to celebrate. We the staff, are so proud of our remarkable pupils who have shone all year!

Here are some of our magic memories!

Please follow this link:

We hope you enjoyed our trip down memory lane.

Look at our blog and emails next week for some messages from your new class teachers and photographs of your new classroom.

Continue to take care boys and girls.

With love from us all,

#Team MC



Update from the Head of Education

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope that this letter once again finds you and your families well, and can I reiterate a warm thank you for your amazing work with our young people during this period of lockdown. Following my recent communication, I was keen to ensure you were updated in regards to our plan for careful and considered return of our young people and staff to school.

In reaching the following proposals, I would like to express a debt of gratitude to your Head Teachers, your Parent Council Chairs and parents who have formed part of our renewal workstreams in the Council.

In addition, I am deeply grateful to the huge numbers of you who have completed our parent survey, which has had over 3000 responses to date. The plans to return have been jointly developed by a huge number of council services who have worked alongside us to reach this stage, including Facilities Management, Catering, Health and Safety, Human Resources and Transport, to name but a few. In reaching our model, we have considered, at the front and centre of our thinking, the safety and wellbeing of our young people, staff and their families as we are so aware that this will be your prime concern.

To this end, can we advise of some of the following headline measures as being applicable to all of our schools:

  • Cleaning patterns and routines have been established for our schools to support the prevention of spread of COVID-19, these are specific to each school.
  • Shared materials in classrooms have been removed and young people are being issued with personal equipment and stationery that they will be able to take home to support blended learning. Where young people have to share materials, e.g. practical subjects, this is addressed specifically using cleaning routines.
  • Transport has clearly been a very detailed issue and working capacities have been changed to ensure social distancing on all forms of school transport, schools will provide separate communications to those requiring transport.
  • Risk assessments for pupil and staff return have been carried out and are in place, given that we already have some staff and pupils attending in June.
  • Social distancing of 2m has been a pre-requisite for the setup of classrooms and other spaces that your child will use, in addition child-friendly communications and graphics will be present in all of our schools. Some schools will adopt a “social bubble” approach, this will be made clear in the school specific communication you will receive.
  • Individual schools have planned for the safe arrival and pick-up of pupils in a measured fashion and this too will be communicated to you in school-specific communications.

Pupil attendance in all schools

The attendance model for all schools in East Ayrshire has been agreed at a consistent level to ensure equity for all of our learners, and we have also clearly ensured that our children who are more vulnerable have been appropriately considered. Due to the particular needs of young people in our specialist sector schools, these arrangements will be communicated on a school by school basis. Guidance on re-opening early childhood centres has just been released this week, thus further details will be forthcoming in this regard.

Primary school pupils

Your child will attend primary school two days per week (or equivalent), in a pattern that will be released by your school via the school app or other means. The limited attendance is governed by the current social distancing requirements which restricts the number of young people we can have in our schools at any one time. Some young people may attend on further days, this is a matter delegated to the school, in regards to young people in a vulnerable situation.

Secondary school pupils

The attendance model for secondary schools in East Ayrshire is clearly more complex, due to significant differentials in school roll, capacity and available staffing in regard to specific subjects. We are therefore taking a phased and measured approach to ensure the safety of the full school community, and also protect the wellbeing of young people in operating initially with lower numbers as they return, and adapt to what will be very different circumstances.

This model will operate as follows:-

Wednesday 12th – Friday 28th August – 1 day per week for all pupils (or equivalent), with added time enhancement for senior phase to be released by individual schools. This permits secondary schools working on a two week rotation model to see a full run of their timetable and address any concerns before upscaling pupil attendance.

Subject to review, all pupils will begin attending 2 days per week, again with added time enhancement for senior phase w/b 31st August.

Clearly this situation is completely dynamic and we will continue to be guided by government and public health guidance and advice, and where we can safely increase attendance, this will absolutely be the case.

I am also very aware that the proposed pattern, when released by your school, will not meet the needs of everyone, and I ask you to bear with your school as they answer queries specific to individual family circumstances. A position has not yet been reached by the Scottish Government in regards to the provision of childcare for keyworkers for August, I therefore ask for your understanding that we cannot answer any questions in this regard until the position is declared nationally.

In addition to many aspects of pupil return, we know that parents and carers will have many questions, and we hope that some of these may be answered in some of the statements below:

  • Children do NOT require to wear uniform if any family have been unable to access this due to lockdown or other circumstances. Our priority is absolutely having our young people back with us.
  • We have asked schools, where possible, that siblings who attend the same school, attend on the same days.
  • Government guidance advises that young people may not leave the premises at lunch to access home lunch or outside catering, we ask for your understanding on this during this return phase. Children are welcome to bring a packed lunch and free school meals and paid catering will be provided on a trolley service to classrooms, this has also freed up extra capacity to house more young people in our schools.
  • Transport should still be applied for in the normal way and you can check entitlement and apply for free school meals and footwear and clothing grants online. It is important that parents enrol for our Parent Pay system as cash will not be handled in schools.
  • If your family have booked a holiday for the week including 12th August, the absence of your young person will be authorised given the unanticipated change to the Summer break.

Summer holidays

Information on emergency childcare over the forthcoming Summer holiday has already been sent to all parents and carers who are already registered for this provision, as this childcare will change over the Summer break.

Blended learning

Clearly face-to-face teaching is only one part of a rigorous blended learning approach, we are preparing supplementary information for all parents and carers, as we move into a new phase of learning, this will be made available to parents and carers in the new school term.

Next steps

I am meeting again with your Parent Council Chairs on Wednesday 24th June where we will have further discussion around the safe recovery of schools and discuss the findings of the parent survey as we move into our new phase of learning. These will also be shared with your individual schools to influence provision on a local level.

Can I please ask for your understanding in working with your schools over the last week of term as they move towards the Summer Holiday, your Head Teachers have put an incredible amount of time and thought into their return models and they too appreciate that parents and carers are incredibly anxious about school return and patterns of attendance. I ask that this is borne in mind in any discussions you may require to have with your schools going forward.

Finally, can I advise that, as has been the case throughout this crisis, that there will be a separate release of information for our young people returning to school, they too have been part of an authority-wide survey and have met in their pupil council groupings in all schools over the past weeks, as an integral part of our thinking as we return.

Can I wish you and your families a very happy Summer, and please know that our central education team will remain in place over this time should the situation change in any way that would see us able to implement a further return of young people as intimated.

With all my best wishes to you and your families at this time.

Head of Education

School Uniform Swap

If you have good quality school uniform that no longer fits we would be very grateful if it could be freshly cleaned and then dropped at the school over the next few days.  A box will be available outside the school to leave these items.

Next week we will then place a school uniform bank outside the main door, anyone may collect uniform from this.

Primary 7 – Invite to attend Mount Carmel Thursday 25th June

See the source image

We could not let our Primary 7 children move to St Joseph’s Academy without one final goodbye.  All of the Primary 7 children are invited to attend the school on Thursday 25th June at 10am for about 30mins.  Due to restrictions no adults can enter the building with the children.

Children will come to the school hall where they will presented with a gift from Mount Carmel Primary School.  The children will also have returned to them items which they had left behind in school.

Friday 12th June Home Learning Assembly

Hello boys and girls and welcome to our assembly today. Let us start this by listening to Fr Martin and singing a great hymn together.

Thank you Fr Martin what a beautiful way to start our assembly together with one of our favourite hymns, I hope you joined in some of the actions too.

This week has been another busy week for Home Learning, it is has been great to see all the activities that you have been working on and all the different skills that you are learning from members of your family.

We also had our first Virtual Sports Day. Thank you to all of you that were able to take part in this. It was lovely to see so many photographs and videos showing just how hard you tried at all of the different challenges. It was also great to see some of new Primary 1 children taking part in the challenges too, well done! Next week we have a special video to share showing some highlights from teachers and pupils. Mrs McGahon is currently collating a total of all the points from this and the winning house will be shared during our next Home Learning Assembly.

Thank you to our Primary 5 and 6 buddies that completed an additional task this week for our new Primary 1s, please follow this link to see what they have been working on.

During our PATHS activities, we talk a lot about our emotions and feelings. We have spent some time talking about comfortable and uncomfortable feelings. This week we have an additional challenge for you, can you recognise what these feelings are and if they are comfortable or uncomfortable. What other feelings can you think of? Are these comfortable or uncomfortable?

Follow this link to see our lovely staff showing a range of emotions.

To finish our assembly today we have a Proud Cloud to share from Mrs Strachan.


Thank you all so much boys and girls and continue to stay safe.


With love from all of the staff


Home Learning Assembly Friday 5th June

Hello boys and girls and welcome to our first assembly in June.


We hope that you are all doing well.  It has been so lovely to read your emails and to have a chance to speak with some of you and your families too. Let’s take a moment to pause and to join our hands in prayer.  This week we have a special prayer from Fr Martin.



What a beautiful way for us to begin out time together, thank you so much Fr Martin for taking the time to do this for us.


This week you have all continued to work so well on all of your different activities from your teachers and so many of you are learning life skills too – cooking, gardening and helping out around the house.  Well done for being such great stars.


This week we have Proud Clouds from Mrs McCreadie and from Miss Mudge.  Have a look at the things they are proud of:

Thank you for all of your Proud Cloud contributions.  Mrs Crawford has been adding these to our blog have a look at our latest Proud Clouds.


One of the activities that we used to do each day as part of our PATHS programme was to share compliments for our PATHS Pupil of the Day.  This is something that you can still do at home.  This week try to choose one family member each day to give compliments to; remember that person should also give a compliment to themselves too.


Our Primary 5 and 6 future buddies have been thinking about what makes our school great and will soon be sharing their ideas with our new Primary 1 children and families.  Miss Mudge has been busy creating a beautiful end of year celebration for our Primary 7 children – we can’t wait to see what the final item will look like.


Just before our assembly comes to an end we have some exciting new about next week.  Normally in the month of June, Mount Carmel has a special Health Week and a Sport Day.  Next week we shall continue this tradition with our first Home Learning Health Week and Sports Day.  There is a special post that tells you all about it with some great clips of our teachers taking part in the challenges.  We hope that you all enjoy the Health Week linked Home Learning Tasks and especially enjoy your Sports Day challenge.  If you are able to we would to see some videos or pictures of what you are doing, please send these on to your class teacher.


Thank you boys and girls for all that you continue to do, keep safe.

Remember that we love and miss you all.  Have a look at this special message from all of the staff in the school just to say how much we miss you and are looking forward to seeing you all soon.



From all of us at MCPS.



Together we are #Team MC



Support from the team at PATHS – consult the coach

We realise that the current situation can be challenging for everyone, both adults and children and we are eager to support you as best we can as we face these challenges together.

As part of our Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) our coach from Barnardo’s Scotland, who supports the implementation of the PATHS® programme in school will be taking questions relating to the Social and Emotional Health and Wellbeing of parents, children and family members.

If you or your child have any questions regarding challenges you are currently experiencing, perhaps dealing with difficult feelings or behaviours in your home or dealing with new challenges presented by staying at home, you can send us your question and our coach from Barnardo’s will respond. As always, if you have a particular concern regarding your child that you want to discuss please contact the school directly.