All posts by A FERGUSSON

Primary 1 Start of school arrangements

A reminder of the arrangements for the start of school:

Primary 1 parents/carers will be allowed into the classroom to take a “first day of school” photograph of their child in their new classroom. Please ensure, however, that it is only your child(ren) that is in the photo. To ensure the children are not overwhelmed by the number of adults in the room, we would ask that there are no more than two adults entering the class with each child. The children will be split into two groups to reduce the numbers in the class at any one time. Details of the groups were emailed to all parents/carers before the holidays.

The arrangements for the first day of school on Thursday 18th August are as follows:

  • All parents and children will enter the infant playground through the gate nearest Crossgates nursing home for 9:15am/9:30am (depending on child’s group)
  • Group 1 parents and children will enter the classroom for settling and photographs at 9:15am.
  • Group 2 parents and children will enter the classroom for settling in and photographs at 9:30am.
  • As it is the first day of school, children can be picked up anytime between 2:30pm and 3:00pm from the Primary 1 classroom door (please enter playground through the same gates as before)
  • If your child is having a school lunch, please remember to look at the lunch menu with your child beforehand to allow you to choose the best option together.

The arrangements for Friday 19th August are as follows: 

  • Children and parents will arrive in the infant playground (same gates as above) for 9am.
  • Adults can stay in the playground until the children line up at their classroom door when the bell rings.
  • Children are collected from their classroom door at 3pm.

The arrangements for Monday 22nd August onwards are as follows: 

  • Children arrive in the playground between 8:45 and 9am. We kindly ask that all adults remain outside the gate from this point to allow the children to get used to the morning routine.
  • Children will line up at their classroom door when the bell rings – staff will be on hand to help.
  • Children are collected from the classroom door at 3pm.

Please remember to bring your child’s homework bag on their first day back.  Please note that children should not arrive in the playground before 8:45am as it will not be staffed before this point. 

Return to School Thursday 18th August

We look forward to welcoming all of our children back to school at 9am on Thursday 18th August.

A reminder that all children should come to school in full school uniform. This consists of black/grey trousers or skirt with blue/white shirts and ties or a polo shirt as well as a blue jumper.

On PE days will get changed in school.  A PE kit can be left in school on their peg or brought in on each of their PE days.  Details will be provided of PE days for each class.

We are pleased that our Breakfast Club is returning on Monday 22nd August at 8:15am.  All parent/carers that requested a place were emailed before the end of term detailing if a place was/was not available.  We had a high response for this, unfortunately our numbers are limited so a waiting list is now in place.

A reminder that if your child is absent from school you should contact the school and leave a message or speak with a member of our office staff.  Please complete this by 9:15am.

Primary 5 Night at the Movies

As part of their class topic ‘Night at the Movies’ primary 5 have been creating their own films and would love to share them with the primary 5 families.

This will be shared via a password protected Sway document, with the password provided to the main contact for primary parent/carers. If you do not wish your child’s film to be shared please contact the school or complete our query form by Monday 27th June.

Mrs Fergusson

Breakfast Club 2022-2023

We are pleased to announce that our Breakfast Club will be returning after the summer holidays.  This will begin on Monday 22nd August and will support 30 children per day.

As you are aware the focus of the Breakfast Club is to support families by providing a healthy and nutritious start to the school day as well as opportunity for children to engage in social, physical and educational activities.

Breakfast Club will begin at 8:15am each morning and will cost £1 per day paid via ParentPay or will be free for those who have applied for Free School Meals.

Please be aware that the purpose of Breakfast is not to provide early morning childcare, as stated it is about supporting families and children to make healthier choices.  Priority places will be provided to specific families.

If you would like your child to be considered for an additional place at Breakfast Club please click on the link below.  Please complete this for Sunday 19th June:

Mrs Fergusson

Sports Day

Sports Day was fantastic!  Our children have had a really enjoyable day and was great to see them taking part in so many different activities.  Thank you to all of our team for organising the events today.

We cant wait to share our Sports Day photographs.  It was also super to see so many parents/carers/relatives/friends come along to see our children.

Thank you.



North West Kilmarnock Consultation Parent Discussion

A reminder that a letter was sent home yesterday regarding an Education Scotland visit on Monday 13th June at 1:30pm.  Thank you to the two parents that have kindly volunteered so far. Please consider being part of our parent group sharing your views on the educational benefits of an ECC and refurbishment of our school.

Sharing your views in this group will help to strengthen our bid process.

Please complete the return slip on the letter or email myself.

North West Kilmarnock Consultation Parent Discussion

Please check school bags tonight for a letter regarding an Education Scotland visit on Monday 13th June at 1:30pm. Please consider being part of our parent group sharing your views on the educational benefits of an ECC and refurbishment of our school.

Sharing your views in this group will help to strengthen our bid process.

Please complete the return slip on the letter or email myself.

Primary 7 Transition further update

Further information from St Joseph’s this afternoon:

  • Pupils should be at St Joseph’s for 8.50am either via own transport/our school buses/their own primary buses if at St Andrews.
  • Pupils will leave at the end of our school day – 3.40pm
  • Pupils can access canteen facilities
  • Pupils should be in full school uniform and bring PE kit if needed
  • Pupils should bring with them their timetables and slips they were asked to return during Miss Cathie’s visit.

Health Week – Captain Conker

Today has been a busy day for Health Week.  Primary 6 took part in a range of playground games which they shared with other classes in the school.  Mark Devlin from Active Schools worked with children across the school.

Primary 1-4 also had a very special visitor.  The author Shirley Husband came to the school to share her new book ‘Captain Conker and the Dastardly Plan’.  The children thoroughly enjoyed hearing the story and were delighted when Captain Conker came to see them too.

We have lots of photographs of all our activities from this week to share soon.

Meet Captain Conker, Killie's new official mascot - Kilmarnock FC

Primary 7 Term 4 Update

Dear Parents/Carers,

It has been lovely to see the Primary 7 children return after the holidays looking so smart in their school uniform and their leavers hoodies.  We ask that you continue to support your children to wear school uniform at all times and suitable trousers/shorts for PE days.

This term we are looking forward to a variety of activities in Primary 7 as we prepare fully for our transition to High School.  All of the children enjoyed their visit to St Josephs before the holidays and we hope that a further visit will be organised this term.  St Josephs have provided transition booklets which the children will soon begin working on and will have plenty of opportunities to discuss how they are feeling about this change.

This term we also have our exciting Activity Week planned which I know both the children and the staff are really looking forward too.  Thank you to those that have paid the £50 towards this, this continues to be available on ParentPay.

Our plan for the Activity Week is:

Friday 10th June – Tree Top Trials – Craufurdland Estate

Monday 13th June – Kilmarnock Cinema and lunch

Tuesday 14th June – In school activities including zorbing with Active Schools

Wednesday 15th June – In school activities including cooking with Stephanie

Thursday 16th June – Burger and Bowling

Friday 17th June – Visit to Dean Park

As part of our celebration of our Primary 7 children we have provisionally set a date for the Leavers Assembly.  This will take place on Tuesday 28th June at 2pm.  We hope that we will be able to invite parents into the building for this beautiful occasion.

We hope our Primary 7 children have a fantastic final term and look forward to sharing more details with you.

Kind regards

Mrs Fergusson

Head Teacher

Staffing update

We are sad to say that the fantastic Mrs Gallacher in our clerical staff is moving on from Mount Carmel on Friday 29th April. Many of you will know Mrs Gallacher from Onthank ECC as well as our school.  She has been an amazing part of our school team and will be greatly missed by pupils, parents and staff.

We wish you the very best in your next big adventure.


Head Teacher Message

Dear staff, parents/carers and pupils,

It is with a great sense of pride that I assume the role of Head Teacher of Mount Carmel Primary School.  I am dedicated to making this school the very best it can be for the whole school community.

I am aware that I follow in the footsteps of so many inspiring Head Teachers and I will endeavour to continue the positive changes that have taken place. I look forward to working in partnership with all of you.

I am honoured to be part of the Mount Carmel Family.


Mrs Andrea Fergusson

Head Teacher

Mount Carmel Primary School