P5 Curricular Update


Welcome back!  The children of Primary 5 have settled beautifully back into school after the holidays and are ready to become super role models as part of the upper school.

This term we have established our class community, routines and expectations and we are making excellent progress already.


Primary 5 will focus on a novel study to begin the academic session. We are reading ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ and it is proving very popular! We have reading, writing and comprehension links to the novel as well as art and health and well-being tasks.

We will continue to use Bug Club as our differentiated reading resource and will be developing our fluency and comprehension skills through the use of this resource both in class and as homework.

Spelling will take the form of active activities related to the ‘Active Spelling’ resource, the children will continue to experience phonemes and blends pertinent to the ability and stage.

This term our formal writing lessons will centre on descriptive writing. We will use structured planning ideas to allow children to generate pieces, which are rich in language and grammatically sound. The stimuli for this will be IDL topic work on ‘Knights and Castles’ and our ‘Charlie’ novel.


Pupils are back in their working groups focussing on 1st and 2nd level concepts. The circles and rectangles groups will continue to reinforce multiplication, division and remainders before moving on to place value. The squares and rectangles will also focus on place value and the importance of column and quantity value. All pupils will also look at Data Handling as part of their Beyond Number topic. This will involve collecting and interpreting data, as well as creating tables, charts and graphs.

Times tables should continue to be practised at home to ensure quick recall.

Health and Well-being

The class have worked brilliantly as a team to ensure that our class and primary 5 family understand the responsibilities and expectations that will be placed upon them this year. Our class charter is complete and children are enjoying earning house tokens for their respective houses.

We are continuing to use our whole school ‘Paths’ resource this year, which allows children to grow emotionally and channel their thoughts and behaviours in a calm and proactive way. Children are familiar with this programme and can name and identify their feelings. We will continue to provide them with scenarios and situations that will require their knowledge of ‘self’ to grow.


The pupils have been looking at the sacrament of Confirmation as we begin this term. This is in preparation for receiving this sacrament later this month and what to expect. Our study focus will be on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, looking at the lives of the Saints and being ready to become a full member of the Church. This term we will also focus on ‘Friendship’ as we relate this to bible stories from the Gospel of Mark.


Our topic this term is ‘Knights and Castles’. Pupils will use their developing research and note-taking skills to look at historical events in the Middle Ages. This will include the history of castles, various castle designs, Knights, Codes of chivalry and looking at society at this time. We will be using various curricular areas within this topic to help such as ICT, Art, Literacy, STEM and problem solving skills.

We are thrilled to be working with your children and look forward to building relationships with their families. If you would like to speak to either Mrs Crawford or Mrs McIntyre please call the school office to arrange this.

Thanks for your on-going support.

Mrs Crawford & Mrs McIntyre.