Message from the Head Teacher

Dear Parents/Carers,

On behalf of all the staff in Mount Carmel I would like to wish you and your family a Happy New Year.

Unfortunately we will not be welcoming all our children back as we would have wished. Circumstances require us to move to a period of home learning for most. I know that the previous period of lockdown was difficult for some families. We have taken on board your comments from our survey of September 2020 and had put plans in place based on these and the experiences of staff who were organising home learning.

Unlike the previous period of lockdown our school will remain open and children of key workers will attend Mount Carmel rather than a Hub. Our staff will work on a rota basis within the school to support these children and when not in school teachers will prepare home learning activities.

As we are able to be in school it will be easier for us to contact you and the children and to adapt to any changing circumstances.

Children that are attending school tomorrow hot lunches will be available for all children, this will be deducted  from ParentPay accounts unless your child has Free School Meal entitlement.

On Thursday and Friday children may come to school in their own clothes. As of Monday 11th January all children should wear school uniform.  All children should come to the main entrance tomorrow for 9am where they will then be split into two bubbles.  Children will be dismissed from the main entrance tomorrow.  There after Bubble 1 will enter and be dismissed via the Primary 2 door, Bubble 2 will enter and be dismissed via the Primary 6 and 7 door.

Tomorrow we will give details of how home learning will be organised initially.

I know this is a difficult and worrying time for everyone. Please be assure we will support our children the best we can.

Mrs McConville

Head Teacher