P7 Home Learning Grids w/b 18th May

Hello Primary 7,


Primary 7 Literacy Grid wb 18th May

Yellow Group Grammar

Green Group Grammar

Blue Group Grammar

Novel Scavenger Hunt Sheet

If you are unable to access the Literacy Shed activities then try these writing challenge cards instead –

Writing Challenge Cards


Primary 7 Numeracy Grid wb 18th May

Circles Maths

Circles Statistics Challenge Cards

Triangles Maths

Triangles – Data Handling Challenge Cards

Squares Maths


Family P4-7

Do not panic if you’ve forgotten how to do anything in the grids. I am on Teams from 9am – 3pm.

P1 Photos 

I sent an email last week asking for your P1 photos. Ask adults at home to help you find one. Thank you to the P7’s who have sent me them already 🙂

Love Miss Mudge