Weekly Challenge

Hello boys and girls,

It has been lovely to see all of your fabulous photos coming in. Marty has been so excited to see all of your drawings that he decided he would draw a picture of himself too!

Like all of you, Marty has been enjoying his time in the sun. He has his sunglasses and his sun hat but he has been getting awfully warm when he is outside playing with his ball. His lovely Mount Carmel jumper is perfect for school time but he would love a t-shirt for having fun in the sun!

Do you think you could help Marty stay cool by designing a t-shirt for him? What do you think he would like it to look like? Which colours do you think he would like? Would he like a picture or pattern on it?

We would love for you to use your imagination to create Marty a t-shirt and then send it to Mrs McGahon. We will let Marty pick which one he likes best and our very talented Mrs Taylor is going to make it for him to wear!! Marty will then be able to model it for you all to see!

We really hope you can help us and we can’t wait to see what fantastic t-shirt designs you come up with.

Have fun getting creative everyone!

Lots of love,

Mrs Duff and Mrs Dunsmore xxx