At home relaxation!

During these troubling times, we are aware our children may be feeling scared, worried or anxious without the familiarity and routine of an ordinary school day.

I have attached some links and activity ideas which may help to relieve some worry or anxiety and will hopefully help our children to feel a little bit better during these uncertain times.

These activities are only a suggestion, there is no requirement to complete these, they are here to help should you feel your child may need them.

Activity Ideas:

Paths Mood Chart & Check in

By drawing the emotions from our Paths mood chart, using the emotions faces children are used to, children create their own mood metre and indicate daily, by pointing or putting a sticker on the emotion they are feeling. Parents and siblings can do the same and encourage children to talk about their feelings. Having a ‘family check in’ where you share your worries and feelings, can have a positive effect and help to relieve some of their worries or concerns.

Daily Diary

By keeping a daily diary and writing down the emotions you are feeling, this can be a positive way to release some of the worry you may be feeling.


This video encourages controlled breathing and visualisation, which may help to relieve any stress or muscle tension children are experiencing.


Our school have had inputs on massage, which can be a relaxing way to wind down, or prepare for a good night’s sleep. Below are a few of those massage techniques children should be familiar with:

Head massage

Back massage

Try doing it as a family!

As always, any child who feels they may benefit from a chat with me, can email me, at any time, during this holiday period or otherwise, and I will be sure to be in touch.

Take care of each other!

Mrs Travers