Supporting your child’s wellbeing

The Coronavirus outbreak has led to a high degree of worry, uncertainty and concern for both children and adults.  Our children are very aware of what is taking place and it may cause them to feel anxious and unsure about their safety.

It is important to encourage children to talk their feelings within a safe context, at the same time as maintaining a sense of normality, routine and calm. Supporting children will enable them to process and manage their feelings and help build resilience.

You may find these suggestions helpful:
– Reassure children and young people that they are safe: Children benefit from regular reassurance that they are safe, and being reminded that adults will do what they can to keep them safe.
– Let children know that it is alright to be upset, all feelings are okay.
– Create a routine include some work, play and exercise in this.
– Emphasise their resilience and strengths: Focus on the strengths of our children and young people, in terms of their daily life. Help them to see and acknowledge that they have many strengths to help them cope if they are feeling anxious or upset.
– Look for opportunities to help others: Acts of kindness, charity and humanity help to restore positivity and has huge benefits for our own well-being.