We are excited to let you know that we have just booked our whole school summer trip to Heads of Ayr Farm Park!
The trip is booked for Wednesday 18th June . The buses will leave the school at 9.30am and the children will be back at school in time for normal school pick up at 3pm.
If your child does not wish to attend the trip, they will need to stay at home on the day as there will be no provision for them in school.
We are very grateful to St. Vincent De Paul who have made a very generous donation towards our buses which has helped to keep the cost per child down.
We have set up the trip on Parentpay today with an initial NON- REFUNDABLE deposit of £8 payable by Friday 2nd May . This will leave only one more payment of £8 to be paid by Friday 30th April.
A letter will be sent home this week outlining all the relevant information and a permission form will be attached. This must be returned no later than Friday 30th May.