Primary 6 – Term 3
Hi everyone. We hope you all had a lovely Christmas break. Primary 6 have welcomed Mrs Terras into their routine with no problems and we are very proud of how they have adapted to the changes so far. There is lots to get through in the term ahead but this is a challenge that we know Primary 6 will flourish in. Here is an update of what is coming up in the term ahead.
As part of our UNCRC (United Nations Convention for the Right of the Child), the class took part in activities for Human rights day in which we looked at rights across the world with a particular focus on the rights of the child. The children then took part in a competition with which they were asked to design a logo for their favourite article that we had looked at. There will be a winner from each class and these will be announced in the new term. As always, we will continue to work on the class’ understanding of what their rights are as well as their responsibilities that coincide with these rights.
Mrs Terras will teach our interdisciplinary topic of Scottish myths and legends. During this topic, the children will take on a research task to find out about some famous Scottish myths such as the Loch Ness Monster. They will also look into the famous Scottish Kelpies and investigate the structure of these magical sculptures.
Towards the end of the term the children will explore renewable energy with Mrs McCreadie. Within this learning, the class will look at what renewable energy is and how Scotland benefits from this form of energy.
Reading – Along with Mrs Terras, the class will be learning all about Scots language. There will be a particular focus on poetry within this teaching. They will also be learning about non- fiction reading skills which will focus on note taking, mind mapping and scanning to highlight key words and phrases.
Talking and Listening – This will also be taught through Scot’s language with the children also developing their presentation skills as part of this learning.
Spelling – The children will continue to develop their spelling skills which will take place across the week with both of their teachers. We will continue to work on our active spelling techniques and this will feed through into our homework.
Writing – The writing for this term will be taught by Mrs McCreadie. The genres that will be the focus for learning is persuasive and discursive writing. Within this, the class will continue to develop their tools for writing skills with a focus on using complex punctuation as well as enhancing vocabulary through the use of dictionaries and a thesaurus.
We will continue with the use of number talks which helps to encourage different learners to use and understand different strategies. The children show an excellent understanding of the strategies taught so far and are always eager to share their understanding with their peers.
Mrs McCreadie will concentrate on the teaching of beyond number topics this term. The first concept to be taught for this will be time. This will look at both analogue and digital times. We will then move on to look at data handling.
Mrs Terras will concentrate on the core number processes and will concentrate on multiplication and division this term.
Health and Wellbeing
Our P.E. days will change to a Tuesday and a Thursday this term. This allows the children to have a P.E. slot with both teachers. The focus for P.E. this term will be netball, gymnastics and fitness.
Primary 6 already participate in mindfulness every day, this is something that the entire class benefit from and have been doing this since the beginning of Primary 4.
Our PATHS programme will continue to help the children to develop positive relationships within the class and school. Delving into the emotions that the children feel will help them to understand why they are feeling this way as well as giving them the tools to cope with these emotions. The children are also participating in the PATHS buddy scheme that helps support the infants in ‘how to play’ during lunchtimes.
Our core health and wellbeing teaching will focus on body hygiene and image. We will also be looking at what abuse is and some of the types of abuse that people experience at the hands of others.
Core learning this term will focus predominantly on the work of the disciples and their importance in the bible. As the term progresses, we will begin to look at Lent and how we can celebrate this both in school and at home.
The class will also begin their Pope Francis Faith Award journey with Mrs Terras this term. This will span the remainder of their Mount Carmel journey with some of the award being completed this year and then some in Primary 7. The Pope Francis Faith Award is an award of the Bishops’ conference of Scotland, designed to help children show “signs of love” in their daily lives.
The children demonstrate an excellent understanding of how to use the new chrome books we have in school and as a result have also learned how to use Microsoft online. The next steps for the children will be to learn how to use TEAMS in preparation for P7. It is our intention to send homework through TEAMS in term 4 as this is how homework could be allocated in P7.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you, as always, for your ongoing support. The children have accepted the changes to their class structure and are managing this well. This term will be a busy one and as always, if you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Take care,
Mrs McCreadie and Mrs Terras