P4 Curriculum Update for Term 4

Welcome back! I hope you have all had a restful time over the Easter break. It is lovely to see all the children back in class and ready for our last term of Primary 4! Here is an overview of term 4.


For our reading focus, the children will explore a range of text. We will start the term looking at ‘How to Trap A Dragon’ as a basis for our reading and comprehension tasks, this will link with our writing tasks. As the term progresses, we will move on to looking at non-fiction extract that will link to our science topic which is the human body. We will also link literacy to the upcoming summer show, looking at the features of play-scripts and lyrics.

During writing, we will look at instructional and response writing. We will look at the features of these writing genres and use of reading and notetaking skills to link our reading and writing tasks.

Spelling will take the form of active spelling activities and the children will experience phonemes and blends at their working level.

We will continue to build on our knowledge of various elements of grammar, linking this to our reading and writing tasks. We will also continue to develop our notetaking skills and look the idea of giving our own opinion and being able to give reasons for this.

Numeracy & Maths

The children will continue with a daily number talk, to develop a range of mental maths strategies. We will be looking at the concept of fractions and will develop understanding of the notation and vocabulary associated with fractions. Through a range of practical activities children will become familiar with ordering fractions, finding equivalent fractions and finding the fraction of an amount.

In beyond number, the children will continue with their money topic, this will link to our IDL topic later in the term. Measure will also be covered during this term.

Health and Wellbeing

We will be continuing with our PATHs programme focussing on making good choices and working effectively with others.

We have been following the Do Be Mindful programme, focussing on mindful attention; we will continue with this programme with a focus on mindfulness outdoors. During science, we will be looking at the human body and will investigate some of the main body organs. We will also look at how we keep ourselves fit and healthy.


PE is on a Thursday and Friday. This term we will be covering;

  • Athletics
  • Tennis

Children require PE kit for all PE days. Please ensure that all items of uniform and PE kit have your child’s name clearly marked on them.  Please make sure your child is not wearing jewellery on these days. If your child cannot take part for any reason, please contact the school.


We will be continuing with our French conversational skills, as well as a range of listening and writing activities, we will learn how to talk about the seasons of the year and will be investigating what school is like in France.


This term our IDL topic will be related to an enterprise topic, for which we will plan a Spring Tea. We will link this to our social studies and RE learning, looking how we can help others as we are inspired by the life and work of St. Vincent de Paul. We will investigate what roles are needed within an enterprise.

Expressive Arts

This term, primary 4 are very excited to a part of the Summer School show. In preparation for this, we will participate in a range of art, music and drama related activities.

Religious Education

This term we will be working towards First Holy Communion. We will be looking closely at the meaning of the Last Supper, and becoming more familiar with liturgy of the Eucharist during Mass.

During the month of May we will be thinking about Our Lady in a special way, and will have our own Mary altar in the classroom. The children will take part of class prayers and School Masses, and we will continue to build on our knowledge of common prayers and Mass responses.


Homework will continue in the same format as last term, it will be distributed on a Monday to be completed and returned by Friday.

As we start preparation for First Communion, there will also be some home tasks sent home in the First Communion Work book for those children preparing to receive their First Communion in May or June.

Keep an eye on the School blog and Learning Journals for updates on some of our wonderful activities and learning.

Thank you as always, for your continued support.

Mrs MacKinnon.