Primary 1 Curricular Update

A very warm welcome to the Primary 1 Blog. The children are settling brilliantly into their new school surroundings and have already established routines and friendships within their new class!!

We have had a lovely start to the term getting to know one another and our new class routines but we are most definitely poised and ready to LEARN!!!

Primary 1 – Term 1


During literacy times, P1 have been developing their phonological awareness (the ability to hear sounds in words). We are doing this by focusing on the rhythm and rhyme of language through clapping syllables and working on our nursery rhymes.

We are also working on our fine motor control to get ready for writing! Name writing is a focus too, so we can always sign off on our masterpieces!

Listening and talking is a huge part of our day. We are learning to follow our “carpet rules” to ensure we do our best listening while the teacher or our peers are talking. We are also taking turns at communicating our thoughts and feelings.


We know numbers are all around us and have had a chance to talk about numbers which are “special” to us, for example, our age, door number etc.

Number times will consist of lots and lots of counting! We will be developing our “number sense” by counting out and comparing quantities and becoming familiar with the language of mathematics.

We will be reciting our number sequences forwards and backwards, understanding that each number we say represents a quantity.

As our pencil control improves we will be learning how to form our digits correctly.

Pattern will also be a focus this term.  We will link this to outdoor learning by looking for natural patterns and shape in the environment as well as artificial ones indoors.

Health & Well-being (HWB)

Our PATHS programme will feature heavily during our HWB time. The children have been very excited to meet our PATHS puppets, Twiggle and friends! Our puppet friends will be helping us to explore our feelings as well as thinking about the qualities that makes us good friends. We will also be introduced to our “Pupil of the Day” initiative, which allows each and every member of the class to be the focus of our kind words and actions for a whole day.

In PE we will initially develop our spatial awareness through games before moving onto large ball skills.


The children have been introduced to our RE times and have learned about God’s love for us all. We will continue to explore this unconditional love by considering the gifts God has given us, including people who care for us and the qualities which make each and every one of us so special and unique.


We will be using our Nursery Rhymes to explore other areas of the curriculum such as art, music and technology.

Expressive Arts

During art sessions we will be creating our favourite characters from the Nursery rhymes we have been learning. We will be doing a lot of cutting and sticking of different types of collage matierials.

During music sessions, we will be singing and keeping the beat to Nursery rhyme favourites.

Mrs Duff