Final Assembly Friday 26th June

Hello boys and girls and welcome to our final assembly of the year.


Let us begin today by taking some time to pause and speak to God. Fr Martin had filmed a final prayer and his thoughts for the year,

Thank you Fr Martin – you have such a special way with other children, we know how much joy you bring by taking the time to share your thoughts and prayers with us.

Thank you to Mrs Crawford and all of our staff for our Throwback Thursday. Follow this link for the most up-to-date items.

Now today we have some special words from out Head Teacher Mrs McConville.

Dear Boys and Girls,

At our last learning assembly I want to look back at some of the wonderful things that have happened in Mount Carmel this session.

When I came to our school in October the inspectors had just visited again. They said that everyone had worked really hard to make the school better and they didn’t need to come back to visit us again. This made us all really happy.

We said a sad goodbye to Mr Forsyth but his gift of the disco ball means he will always be part of the Mount Carmel family.

The Hallowe’en discos were a spooky success. I have never seen such brilliant costumes.

You worked hard to earn house points up to Christmas. The House Captains and Vice Captains making sure you did your best at assembly and keeping track of the totals. The winning House Red enjoyed a trip to the cinema to see Toy Story 4. We didn’t tell them we had a great time back in the school that day too watching the Lion King!

Our trip to the Palace Theatre was a great success despite the horrible weather that day. It was extra special for the lucky children who got to be on stage, Indigo and Liam will remember Cinderella for a long time.

The Christmas Fayre was incredible. I have never seen so many people in the hall. Families were so generous donating things to The Friends of Mount Carmel who organised the Fayre and the discos. A huge sum of money was raised and the FOMC have been most generous buying us a new Coomber, microphones and yummy things for our discos, not forgetting the selection boxes. No that’s not right the selection boxes came from someone else! Thanks for coming to Mount Carmel this year Santa and please come back next year.

The pantomime was great (Oh no it wasn’t, Oh yes it was) but the best show all year was the Infant Nativity. All the boys and girls worked very hard, but not as hard as the teachers J Such talent; it was amazing. I know the adults who came to see it loved it as much as I did.

Primary 7 had an extra special time at Lockerby Manor. I am sure they will remember all those exciting activities for a very long time. I know Miss Mudge and Mr B will.

There have been lots of activities for everyone this year. It’s hard to remember them but I will try, swimming, cycling, community time, Magic Mount Carmel, EuroQuiz, Knex, Class Assemblies, rugby, football, multisport, parties, discos, choir. Apologies if I have missed out your favourite, there was just so much going on.

Other two goodbyes we had to say this year were to Mr McMillan and Bill. The best Jannie and Lollypop Man in the world. We will miss them both.

Throughout the year we have had the opportunity to visit Our Lady of Mount Carmel on many occasions. It is always lovely to see how well behaved and respectful you are when we are in Church. It was a special year for some of our P4s who received the Sacraments of Confirmation and Reconciliation. I want to thank Fr Martin for everything he does for us. He is a special part of our family here in Mount Carmel.

Well boys and girls our year didn’t end the way we expected. We have really missed you over the past few months and are looking forward to seeing you all in August. Welcome to our new Primary 1s and farewell to our Primary 7s.

There are many people I want to thank for making me feel so welcome as your head teachers. The Parent Council for being so supportive. All the teachers and support staff who are amazing. Mrs Fergusson and Mrs Mc Gahon, my two right hand women I couldn’t do without. Finally boys and girls I want to thank you and your families for making this the best school ever.

Have a lovely holiday and I will see you in August.

Love Mrs McConville x


As our assembly comes to an end today we have one final video to share. Thank you for participating in our Sports Day – Please welcome our Sports Day Champions.


Boys and girls we love and miss you all. Have a great summer and we will see you all in August.


Stay safe, with love
