Home Learning Assembly Friday 1st May

Hello boys and girls and welcome to our first Home Learning Assembly.

We hope that you are all doing well and we all miss you so much.
This is a bit of a different assembly, we are not all together in the hall but we thought it would be nice if we could still all come together in a special way each week.
Just the way that we would normally do, let’s start of with a prayer together, let’s take a moment to speak to God and to thank him for all that He is doing for us.
Please God continue to look after us all and keep us safe.
Lord in your mercy,
Hear our Prayer.
​This week we would like to thank  you all for the great work that is being completed at home.  Mrs McGahon and Mrs Fergusson have been speaking to many parents at home to see how you are all doing.  They have been telling us great things about the work you have been completing.  Many of you have been sending in photographs of what you have been doing at home, you class teachers have really  enjoyed looking at all of these things.  Well done and keep up the hard work.
We have also had lots of great things sent for the lovely Mr McMillan.  As you were told last week Mr McMillan will soon be retiring, Mrs Templeton has been collecting all of  you poems, stories and pictures to make a lovely book for Mr McMillan to show how much we are going to miss him.  Thank you all so much for working on these things, don’t worry if you haven’t had time to send in something you can still make a picture.  Once we are all back together we will do something special for him and you can pass any of your lovely things to him then.
We have a new request for you for this week.  Bishop Nolan has asked for lovely pictures of our priests to be sent to him, these will be used to fill the seats of the Cathedral in Ayr during this time when we cannot fill them with people.  This can be sent by an adult through facebook or you can send to Mrs McGahon at Joanna.mcgahon@eastayrshire.org.uk We will then pass these pictures on for you.
As we always do during our assembly it is now time for our Star Pupils.  We are sending virtual certificates out this week to:
Primary 1 – Mrs Duff “I am going to nominate Jessica as she has tried so hard in all of her tasks and really used her imagination. She chose to make our class Olaf a sun house from her 3D junk modelling challenge !! So proud of her.”
Primary 2 – Mrs Dunsmore “My pupil of the week is Casper. He has worked extremely hard during  the home learning period. He has been completing all tasks that have been set to a very high standard. I am very proud of Casper.”
Primary 3 – Mrs McCreadie “My pupil of the week is Taylor.  He has been a superstar completing all his jobs and sending pictures of things he has been doing with Mum.  He also ran the 5K to raise money for NHS.
Primary 4 – Mrs Strachan ” My pupil is Harry, he has been amazing completing the Home Learning Tasks.  He also made a clips video too!”
Primary 5 – Mrs McIntyre “My star pupil is Tilly for completing all jobs and sending it everyday and including pictures of her creativity and dress design.”
Primary 6 – Mrs Mackinnon ” I would like to recognise Aimee from P6 for her consistent effort and fabulous research on Famous French People.”
Primary 7 – Miss Mudge “I nominate Olivia S. She’s been completing all the core tasks. She’s also been great at getting in contact with some of the other P7’snd she has helped others with some tasks. – Well done Olivia”
Let’s finish our assembly today by thanking God for all of our Key Workers who have been doing so much to keep us all safe.  If you have time take a look at our Wellbeing Blog which this week has so many of our amazing carers.
Continue to stay safe boys and girls. Show love to the people around you, we love and miss you all.
All the staff at Mount Carmel Primary School.
Together we are #TeamMC