Bird feeders

Good morning everyone.

Today i thought you could make a bird feeder, since we have had lots of snow and very cold days, the little birds find it hard to find food.      Last week while I was in the Ecc, some of the children helped to make a bird feeder.    Your grown-ups will need to help you with this.  You will need some lard and some bird seed. The lard needs to be soft, so leave it sitting out.  Put the bird seed and the lard into a big bowl  and squash it all together. It can get quite messy, but you will have good fun mixing it together with your hands.  At nursery we used the little milk bottles to put the bird food in. We just had to cut a hole and put a stick in, and a string at the top to hang it from a tree or post.  You can also just roll it into a big ball, if you don’t have any empty juice bottles.   Here are some pictures of our bird feeders.            Have fun everyone.

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