πŸŒ±πŸ¦†πŸ΄πŸ„Tuesday 2nd February- Mindfulness Safari Walk

Mindfulness is a great way of clearing your mind and becoming more aware of your surrounding environment.Β  It allows us to live in the present moment and appreciate what is around us. πŸŒ±πŸ‚πŸ„

A safari walk is a great way to introduce mindfulness to children and can turn an everyday walk into an exciting adventure.

On your safari walk your aim is to notice as many birds, bugs, creepy crawlies and other animals as you can.Β  Try and spot anything that walks, swims or flies. πŸπŸ¦†πŸ”πŸ¦πŸ¦‰πŸ΄πŸŒπŸ•·πŸ„πŸ‘πŸΏπŸ¦”πŸ¦‘ Β Look at how amazing they are! What sounds can you hear? Can you hear birds chirping?Β  What can you feel? The cold breeze on your skin?

To do this young children need to focus all of their senses and it creates a state of awareness to the present moment and an appreciation of the world and nature around us.

During this second lockdown, which may be causing added stress for both adults and children it is important to make a little time each day to clear our minds.

Wishing you all a calm and mindful day, πŸ’›πŸ’œβ€οΈπŸ’šπŸ’™



Children’s Mental Health Week

Good afternoon everyone,

Just a little note to say that as we enter into another week of national lockdown, it is understandable that we may be feeling a little low. Having the children at home juggling work and home learning this can cause amounts of stress and anxiety. It is imperative now more than ever that we take care of not just our own mental health but that of our children, as these changes will be affecting them also.

This week we will be exploring different ways in which if we can just take 5-10 minutes out daily and do these activities with our children this will hopefully encourage more positive outcomes.

Please click on following link for more details.

Go to this Sway


Number Hunt πŸ”’

Good morning everyone,

Our home learning activity for today is a number hunt. For this activity you will need;

  • Written numbers 0-10 on separate bits of paper.
  • 10 objects – this can be Lego, pens, crayons, stones etc
  • Numbers again written on a piece of paper.

Now put the numbers 0-10 in different places in the house.

  1. With your 10 objects set aside an amount, have your child count how many is there and then go and find the number.
  2. Use the second set of written numbers and they have to find the matching one.
  3. For more difficult – make an addition for your child. Set aside two groups with the objects, can you child add the two together? Now go find the answer.

You could upload how well your child does on the β€˜Achievements at home’ tab in their Learning Journals for children’s key worker.

Let us know how you get on.

Maria β€οΈπŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’›πŸ’œ


Fun family sessions

East Ayrshire staff are offering families the opportunity to come and join us for a range of live online sessions.

These fun sessions have been designed to support your family throughout lockdown.

Information on these sessions can also be found on the app.

Join in and have fun 😁