Announcements this week….

Good afternoon everyone,

As we end another week of home learning I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our families for their patience and understanding during this time. I have no doubts of the struggles that many of you will be facing having to work from home and may be home schooling as well.  You are all doing such an amazing job!! All the staff are here to support as best as we can so if it’s some advice, or just to have someone listen to you then we are here! Give us an email or request a phone call and you will hear from one of us.

This week we explored the importance of our children’s mental health…this goes without saying that our own mental health is vitally important also. So please always remember to find the time for some enjoyment in the house, whether this be something the full family loves or if you can find some ‘me’ time.  Settling down to watch a movie, with popcorn and snacks, an outdoor walk to park for a runabout whatever your family enjoys.

The announcements this week from the Scottish Government is hopeful for a return of Early Years from the 22nd February, this will be verified on the 16th February so please keep a watch out for that announcement. Any clarification of detail will follow on GLOW after this date.  We hope to have you all back with us soon and the journey to coming out of this pandemic will be on the move again.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and are able to get out for some fresh air no matter the weather.




Friday 5th February ❤️💛💙💜💚

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well 😊

This week we have been focusing on our mental health and speaking about the many different emotions we face in life..

It is very important that we support children to recognise their feelings and express their emotions in order for them to develop the ability to manage them throughout their life.

Have a listen to the story below and let’s see if you can recognise any of the feelings throughout.. Can you have a think and remember a time that you felt super happy… or maybe a time that you felt sad?  Have you ever felt a bit nervous… scared… or even a little embarrassed?


I would love to hear any comments, these can be emailed to

Have a lovely weekend everyone, Michelle ❤️