All posts by Miss Paton

Bird feeders

Good morning everyone.

Today i thought you could make a bird feeder, since we have had lots of snow and very cold days, the little birds find it hard to find food.      Last week while I was in the Ecc, some of the children helped to make a bird feeder.    Your grown-ups will need to help you with this.  You will need some lard and some bird seed. The lard needs to be soft, so leave it sitting out.  Put the bird seed and the lard into a big bowl  and squash it all together. It can get quite messy, but you will have good fun mixing it together with your hands.  At nursery we used the little milk bottles to put the bird food in. We just had to cut a hole and put a stick in, and a string at the top to hang it from a tree or post.  You can also just roll it into a big ball, if you don’t have any empty juice bottles.   Here are some pictures of our bird feeders.            Have fun everyone.

Role play shop

Good morning everyone I hope you are all well. Today i thought you could try a little role play, while you are at home. You could set up your own shop, using toys and real life objects, like tinned foods, cereal packets and empty plastic bottles. Remember to ask your grown-up first. You will also need a till, some toy or real money to use. Some paper and pens to write how much things cost. This will help to develop number recognition.  Ask your family to join in the play with you. They can come to your shop to buy something.  I have put in some other ideas  to let you see some other kinds of role play you can do. I hope you have loads of fun. Maybe your grown-up will take a picture to let all your ladies see how busy you are in your shop.                                                                                                                                                            Role play is good for developing a child’s language. It also helps their literacy and numeracy skills whilst playing. They also gain knowledge that these are types of jobs people do.  Have fun xx

Good morning everyone

Before Christmas we had been investigating shapes. We had a shape hunt around the nursery and found lots. I would like you to have a shape hunt at home , have a look and see if you can recognise any 2d shapes like a square,circle,rectangle and triangle.  Then you could try and find some 3d shapes, like a cylinder, a cube etc , maybe you could draw some shapes too. If you are outside , you might see all kinds of different shapes. See if you can name some of them. Get your grown-up to take some pictures, I would love to see them. Happy shape hunting everyone.