P4/5 Mobile Library Visit

Mobile Library Visit

Today we were very excited to have an opportunity to choose a book from East Ayrshire’s mobile library van. Mrs Sweeney organised this visit for us as part of our journey to become a  Reading School. 
We were amazed by the selection of books in the van. Everyone took their  time to look at the covers, read the blurbs and then help each other to choose. These books will stay in school. 
Afterwards, we spent some time in the shelter exploring our books and sharing the titles we had chosen with each other. We can’t wait for our next visit and to choose another book in a couple of weeks time. 










P4/5 Danny Champion of the World Book Reviews

Danny Champion of the World

Book Reviews

This week we have finished reading Danny Champion of the World by Roald Dahl. We all agreed that we have loved this story and laughed at lots of the funny incidents that happened and all of the crazy characters. 
We created Dodecahedron Book Reviews with everyone adding different information. We wrote  about the main characters, favourite chapters, new title ideas and created new covers for the book. 
We hope that they might inspire others to read this novel.
We think they look great on our wall display. Lots of classes and teachers have been asking us all about them. We hope that some parents might look at them on Parents Evening.