P4/5 Outdoor Fun

When there are no puddles to splash in… make your own!

Today we cooled down in the garden with some water play. We were amazed at how quickly the water was evaporating. Our clothes dried so quickly in the heat. 💦 🌞 
We found some different creatures in our garden who were enjoying the sun too.



P4/5 Science and Technology

After reading chapter 2 of  Danny and the Champion of the World, we learned that Danny and his dad liked to make and fly kites.
We were inspired to learn about the science behind why kites fly. 🪁
We decided to test out some of our research and make 2 different styles of kites. We then predicted which kites would be the best at flying. We went out to the playground to test our theories.
We had lots of fun running to get enough wind to launch our kites in to the air. Ask us all about what kites worked the best.