Tag Archives: Article17

P4/5 World of Work

World of Work 

During the week we learned about all the volunteers who were coming to visit us on Friday morning. We learned about what their jobs were and created questions we wanted to ask them. 
On Friday morning we split in to our different groups and spent the morning learning all about the different careers they had and what they enjoyed about their jobs. 
Our visitors were very impressed with the questions they were asked and have even asked to come back to our next World of Work event. 
Well done p4 – p7

P4/5 Science Centre Trip

What a great time everyone had at the Science Centre today.

Primary 4/5  once again demonstrated our school values throughout the day and made all the staff and parents very proud of them!  🌟


We learned all about the planets and stars during our visit to the planetarium. We explored the different constellations and learned how to find the North Star in the sky. We also travelled in to space to look at the planets in our universe.

Exploring Floor 1 

We then had time to investigate, explore, learn and play together on the different levels of the science centre.

Floor 2 and 3

After lunch we visited the Bodywork’s and Powering the Future Floors.
We all agreed that the highlights of our day were ; Planetarium, Dance Mat – generate the energy and spending the day together exploring and having fun.

A huge thank you to Regan and Riley’s Mum,Kerry for coming to help us  to make our day run smoothly and helping us to have so much fun.









P4/5 Compass Points

Compass Points

We have been learning the names of the 8 compass points .

We have used this knowledge to find locations on the map of Orkney and to help us understand some of the locations in our class novel. 

Today we took our learning outdoors and used compasses  to  find  where north is in our playground and then we located  the other 7points on the compass.

We then gave  and followed directions to navigate the playground.

Not even the rain could stop us enjoying this task !

P4/5 Mould Juice Lessons with GSK

Mould Juice

Did you know that penicillin was first called Mould Juice?  

Did you know that Alexander Fleming was one of two Nobel Prize winners educated at  Kilmarnock Academy?

Today we were lucky enough to have a science lesson deliverd by Glaxo Smith Kline. 
We learned  that  Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin after the First World War.
We carried out an experiment in class : 
  • Half of the class  sanitised their hands and half of the class left their hands unsantised.
  • We then all touched a piece of bread each.
  • Next we sprayed the bread with water.
  • Then we put the bread in a sealed bag and placed in a dark place in the classroom. 
  • We will observe the growth over the next 2 weeks.

P4/5 Mobile Library Visit

Mobile Library Visit

Today we were very excited to have an opportunity to choose a book from East Ayrshire’s mobile library van. Mrs Sweeney organised this visit for us as part of our journey to become a  Reading School. 
We were amazed by the selection of books in the van. Everyone took their  time to look at the covers, read the blurbs and then help each other to choose. These books will stay in school. 
Afterwards, we spent some time in the shelter exploring our books and sharing the titles we had chosen with each other. We can’t wait for our next visit and to choose another book in a couple of weeks time.