Tag Archives: Daily Mile

P4/5 Health and Wellbeing Week – Tuesday

Health Week Day 2 

Today we discussed what makes a good friend. We worked together to discuss what it feels like to be included and also how it might feel  if  you are not included. We discussed scenarios and what we would do in difficult situations with friends. We then spent time learning new facts about each other.

After playtime we joined P6/7 and together we ran our miles towards our journey to Munich. We have improved our stamina over the last few weeks and today everyone achieved their mile (and more!).

We the went to the garden and enjoyed some time together. Lots of the class have found a new love for snails ad slugs. We have been checking our bug hotels and making sure that we also take care of the seedlings that were planted during gardening club . 

After lunch we took part in some yoga and Just Dance.

What an action packed day nurturing our Health and Wellbeing!