Tag Archives: Kilmarnock Football Club

P4/5 Health and Wellbeing Week Wednesday

Health & Wellbeing  Week Day 3 

Today we were lucky enough to have student Art Teachers from UWS visit us. They worked with p4-7 on an art project called ‘Making Touch Visible’. We learned about the importance of art to support your wellbeing. 


We first came together and learned about Louis Braille.  We explored braille writing and the series of dots that are used for the alphabet. 


We then made our own puff paint using shaving cream , flour and dye. We used the puff paint to draw animals, food, the weather, summer fun and the beach  on our roll of paper to create a mural.  Our finished pieces of work look fantastic and will be used for the art students final piece of learning as students. 


During our day we also went outdoors to twork with the Kilmarnock Football Coaches to race against the clock to score as many goals as possible.