Category Archives: Nature Club

Grow Your Own Potatoes

Who knew this project would be such a challenge this year?  The Nature Club kids planted their potatoes the week before Lock Down. The 6 tubs of potatoes and 3 bottles of ‘underground’ potatoes were then transported to my back garden. I am now 80 miles away caring for my dad and have left the potatoes with my husband who admits to not being a gardener. Thankfully only watering and photographs have been required so far.  The good news is that the Drongan Nature Club potatoes are flourishing.  Hopefully we’ll get a better crop this year.

30 Days Wild

Why not get organised and sign up for 30 Days Wild, a programme of activities for every day in June. Get outside (safely distanced of course), get wild and have fun. Plus it’s absolutely free, though you can make a donation to The Wildlife Trust should you wish to. Get online, copy the link into your browser and order your downloadable activity pack.