We have continued on our Rights Respecting journey over the last few months and the RRSA committee have worked hard to think of activities and ideas to help our pupils to learn more about different rights.
Climate Change
Article 24 – Children have the right to good health care, nutritious food and clean drinking water
Article 27 – Children have a right to a standard of living that is good enough to meet their physical and mental needs.
During the COP 26 conference pupils took part in many activities that allowed them to learn more about the effects of climate change on our planet and how children’s rights are being affected.
P1a enjoyed learning and singing a song about how they can take small steps to help stop climate change.
P4b telling us what they can do to reduce their Carbon Footprint.
P5 made their own ‘Protest Banners’ and learned how peaceful protesting can help raise awareness of important issues.
Anti- bullying Week
Article 2 – All children have rights without discrimination, whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion, language, abilities or any other status.
Article 12 – Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views respectfully considered and taken seriously.
The children took part in ‘Anti-bullying Week’ and made the link between this and articles from Rights of the Child.
P4a discussed what respect looks like, feels like and sounds like. They created excellent Mind Maps demonstrating how they can show respect to others.
Children in P6/7 made Anti-bullying posters to be displayed around the school and community.
They also used scenario cards to open up discussion on different types of bullying.
P4b made a class Anti-bullying acrostic poem.