Drongan Primary School – Online Learning

We would like to welcome all the children to the first week of online learning and wish everyone a Happy New Year!  I am sure you will agree that this is not the way that we ideally wanted to start 2021, but we need to make the best of this situation and we are here to support you as much as we can.

We fully appreciate that everyone’s circumstances are different, so please do what you can.


Links and activities will be posted on the app on a daily basis for you to access at home.  We will try to ensure that there is a wide variety of activities and links shared.


During this period of home learning, all teachers will post their weekly plans and resources on the school blog in their own class page. This will be done at the beginning of each week.  If you hover over the name of your child’s class, you will see additional tabs appear. We have created a new one for each class, specifically for remote learning. This is where teachers will post their weekly plans and sometimes resources that can be used to support remote learning.


We understand that access to digital learning is not suitable for everyone and we will be creating physical home learning packs again to support learning at home. Teachers will create the packs for each class stage and specific groups within these stages.  We will let you know as soon as the packs are available to be collected.

As stated above, there will be activities included in teacher’s weekly plans that do not require IT facilities.  The weekly plans will provide direction and instructions that will support learning at home and will include a variety of activities that the children should already be familiar with.


Microsoft Teams will continue to be used as a communication tool for P3 – P7 pupils and their teachers. We have not reset the passwords for children, so they will still be able to access Glow and Teams using their previous login details. If your child needs their password reset or a reminder of their login details for Glow, Teams or Bug Club; please complete the form on the app to let us know.


Following updated guidance, we will be moving towards an online learning model that includes live interactions.  These inputs from teachers will support the weekly overviews that will be posted on our Glow blog / school app each Monday.  As we move forward teachers will clearly detail in their weekly overviews when the teacher inputs and live interactions will be taking place.  Teachers will also detail when they are supporting in the hub.  On the days teachers are supporting in the hub, children will be directed to activities detailed in weekly overviews but teachers will not be contactable.  If any pupils or parents need to contact their class teacher for a particular reason (either on Teams or via email), please note that they will respond during their working hours.

The interactions may be in the form of:
– A pre-recorded lesson
– PowerPoint presentation with teacher audio pre-recorded
– Microsoft Teams live chat (P3 – 7)
– V-Scene live chat (P1 – 2, more information to follow)

The inputs will then be followed up with suitable activities and teachers will be available to communicate with children during set, allocated times.


We look forward to seeing your children’s work.  P3 – 7 will be able to upload work to the MS Teams page and P1 and 2 children can email work to their teachers.  You can either scan work and email or take a photograph.

Staff email addresses:
Mrs Brady P1a – jacqueline.brady@eastayrshire.org.uk
Mrs Glasgow P1b – lorna.glasgow@eastayrshire.org.uk
Miss Hogarth P2a – megan.hogarth@eastayrshire.org.uk
Miss Adams P2b – rachael.adams@eastayrshire.org.uk
Mrs Coulter P3a – jane.coulter@eastayrshire.org.uk
Miss Dyce P3b – lauren.dyce@eastayrshire.org.uk
Mrs Brown P4 – agnes.brown@eastayrshire.org.uk
Mrs Hainey P5 – petra.hainey@eastayrshire.org.uk
Mrs Mitchell P5/6 – joan.mitchell@eastayrshire.org.uk
Miss Smith P6 – rebecca.smith1@eastayrshire.org.uk
Mrs Cowie P7 – lynsey.cowie@eastayrshire.org.uk

Thank you for your ongoing support. We fully appreciate that these are challenging times and we will work with you to support you and your children as much as we possibly can.