Be Safe Be Seen

Tomorrow the JRSO Committee will be having a ‘Be Safe Be Seen’ day. We are encouraging children to come to school wearing bright clothing or accessories, helping East Ayrshire to raise awareness of Road Safety. The JRSO Committee have provided classes with resources to support ‘Be Safe Be Seen’ day.

Please note this is an optional activity and if pupils are not able to wear bright clothing or accessories, they can come to school in their uniform as normal. We are not collecting any donations tomorrow, as the purpose of the day is to raise awareness of road safety and support our JRSO Committee with their work.

Thank you.

Miss Dyce & The JRSOs

Homework Plans

We are going to be posting our class homework plans on the school blog each week. They will be posted by Monday evening each week, allowing teachers to finalise spelling words and other activities with pupils on the first day of each week.

To access the homework plans, please go to the ‘classes’ tab on the blog and select the relevant class for your child. You will then be able to click on the link to the weekly plan.

Drongan Primary Remembers

Drongan Primary Remembers Our P7s walked to the memorial bench to observe a 2 minutes silence. They laid down stones that they have decorated and personalised. Thanks to Mrs Clarke from the Community Association and Rev. Landman who joined us. #LestWeForget  #PoppyDay

Scottish Poppy Appeal

We would like to thank you for your support of the Scottish Poppy Appeal. We raised £390 for this wonderful charity. The P7 pupils raised £155 by selling poppies and the poppy cupcakes made by Mrs Shields raised an incredible £235. Thank you again and keep an eye out for the tribute from our P7 pupils that we will post on twitter and the blog later…

SHANARRI Superheroes!

Meet our Rights Respecting and Health Committee! Today they introduce us to our new SHANARRI Superheroes! Here to help support our wellbeing at school! 🦸‍♀️ 🦹‍♂️

Scottish Poppy Appeal

Thank you to everyone who ordered cupcakes in support of the Scottish Poppy Appeal. Final orders were to be in for today and at our final count, Mrs Shields and her team have got 444 cupcakes to bake and decorate! This has helped raise an additional £222 for the Poppy Appeal, to go along with the money raised selling poppies.

We are still selling poppies, so if you or your child would like one, our P7s will be visiting classes for the next two mornings to collect any further donations. We will announce a final total on Wednesday 11th.

Thank you for supporting the Scottish Poppy Appeal.

Drongan Time Warp

Well done to everyone for making such an effort to make Halloween as special as possible. Here are the children from Drongan PS with their own version of The Timewarp!

Scottish Poppy Appeal

Drongan Primary will be supporting the Scottish Poppy Appeal again this year by selling poppies. Our P7 Head Pupils will be visiting classes with the box of poppies and children are welcome to bring in a donation to put in the tin in exchange for a poppy to wear.

We will also be supporting the Poppy Appeal next Wednesday (11th November) on Armistice Day. Mrs Shields has volunteered to make poppy themed cupcakes, with all proceeds going to the Scottish Poppy Appeal. If you would like to order a cupcake for your child (you can order up to 4), please complete the slip at the bottom of the letter that was sent home this week and return it to school with the money. Cupcakes will cost 50p each and the final day for order slips to be returned is Monday 9th November.