Todays Assignments Tues 31st

Good morning P4B,

Here are todays assignments, hopefully it stays dry for us.

Numeracy – Money

Complete Ex1 Ques 1-7 – Coral-Homework-Ch-03


PE – Workout

20 Lunges/10 sit ups/ 10 broad jumps/30sec Plank – Do this 4 times and take note of your time.


Den Building

Build a den in your garden, or inside.  Use the link below to help you with ideas.  This is a fun activity for you to do at home but you do not have to upload anything unless you want to.  Have fun and I can’t wait to see pictures of your ideas!

Todays Assignments Mon 30th

Morning everyone, its Monday again!

Hope you all had a great weekend and are getting used to being at home. Remember don’t get stressed out if you cant complete all tasks, just do what you can.

Reading(BugClub) –

Dahl (Grey A)- Future Transport by Air (To end)

Rowling (Brown A)– Flash the Dog Bounces in (To end)

Walliams (Purple B) – Pirates (To end)

Blyton (Orange A) – Superman and Robots (To end)

Wilson (Blue A ) – Slick Tricks ( To end)

If you finish your BugClub book then do some leisure reading of your choice.

Numeracy –  ‘Hit the Button’ on Topmarks.  Choose which times tables you want to practise but try those you find particularly tricky.


Complete these number problems e.g. 344 becomes 300 /  40 / 4.

  1. 344+321
  2. 273+525
  3. 555+235
  4. 616+213
  5. 456+466

IDL – African Animal Fact File (Due Friday)

Create your own fact file on any African animal of your choice.  Use information gathered from the internet or books and put in your own words. Feel free to do the research one day then add the facts into the template a different day.  You can include pictures and diagrams to enhance your fact file.  You can use this template to help you or create one of your own.  Unfortunately it’s a PDF so the only way you can use this one is if you print it off first. fact file template (1)

Todays assignments Fri 27th

Good morning everyone,

Here are today’s assignments. Thats the end of our first week of online learning – its great to see so many of you engaging with tasks. I realise it will be stressful and difficult sometimes (for me too) so please don’t worry if you cant get through everything.

Literacy – Write a short paragraph containing at least 4 ‘ie’ words. These can be from the story or words you have found. The subject of the paragraph is up to you.

Numeracy – Daily10 Fractions (on TopMarks) – Select at least 4 different fractions or a mix. Feel free to reduce or increase the time to make it a bit trickier.

Art – ‘YouTube’ video (Art for Kids Hub) – Cartoon Panda.

Hope you are all well and I am missing seeing you all.

Mr Dearie

Todays Assignments Thurs 26th

Good morning P4B, I hope you are all well.

Here are todays assignments. Remember you can upload them to Teams when finished. If you cant then upload to your blogs or send to me directly.

Numeracy – Fractions – Chpt10 Ex3 Ques 1-6 Coral-Homework-Ch-10

Literacy – PCM Worksheet

Dahl – Grey A PCM

Rowling – Brown A PCM

Walliams – Purple B PCM

Blyton – Orange A PCM

Wilson – Blue A PCM

Leisure Reading – 15-20mins reading a book of your choice.

Health and Wellbeing – Make a healthy snack. Write down what you might need and how you made it.

PE – Workout – 10 Lunges/10 Standing jumps/10 Burpees/10 Step Ups(on stairs). Do this circuit 4 times and enjoy the burpees!

Todays Classwork Wed 25th

Good morning P4B

I will be posting the assignments here as well as Teams.

Literacy – Cursive Handwriting –  Practise joins to the letter ‘s’ – as/ds/es/is/ks/ls/ts/us.

Active Spelling menu – Find and highlight ‘ie’ words from phoneme story. See how many more you can think of. Then choose 3 tasks from the menu to help you practise them. This is the story and I have checked it can be opened.  FlipchartDoc     KS2-Spelling-Menu 

Numeracy – ‘Hit the Button’ on Topmarks / HAM Game (Nimble Gnome). The game focuses on fractions and choose the times tables you find tricky.

Have a good day!

Mr Dearie

Teams Assignments

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your patience when using Glow. It has been freezing in school and very slow generally. Assignments are scheduled to be on Teams for 10am each morning, starting tomorrow. I will be available at set times to monitor the children’s work, this will vary each day depending on my other duties with the pupils in school.  Remember to spend time outside and keep active where possible, you do not need to be in front of a screen doing schoolwork for extended periods.

Stay safe everyone!

Mr Dearie

Todays Classwork

Reading(BugClub) –

Dahl (Grey A)- Future Transport by Air (up to pg16)

Rowling (Brown A)– Flash the Dog Bounces in (up to pg19)

Walliams (Purple B) – Pirates (up to pg12)

Blyton (Orange A) – Superman and Robots (up to pg9)

Wilson (Blue A ) – Slick Tricks ( up to pg 10)



Online Learning

Hello everyone,

What a surreal situation we find ourselves in. I will be posting various assignments for the children to complete each school  day. I have attached a guide for how to access these on ‘Microsoft Teams’ which you reach through Glow accounts. The children have all been sent home with relevant logins for SumDog/BugClub and Glow.  This is new software for me as well so we’ll all be finding our feet with it.

All the best and stay safe

Mr Dearie

How to complete an assignment on Microsoft Teams


Reading(BugClub) –

Dahl (Grey A)- Dog Alert (To end)

Rowling (Brown A)– Double Trouble (To end)

Walliams (Purple B) – Pets Peculiar Pet Shop – Whole Book

Blyton (Orange A) – Fun and Mix Ups– Whole Book

Wilson (Blue A ) – Brave Little Beasts– Whole Book


TopMarks – Times Table practise

We have been completing numeracy assessments in class so revision over times tables will be helpful before we move onto a new block of work.