
Reading(BugClub) –

Dahl (Grey A)- Dinkin Dings and the frightening things (To end)

Rowling (Brown A)– Damien Drooth, Case of the Missing Daughter

Walliams (Purple A) – When Animals Attack – Whole Book

Blyton (Orange A) – Exploring Cities– Whole Book

Wilson (Blue A ) – Shrek– Whole Book

App Design

‘Make it Happen’ App design competition. Think of some good ideas that could be used in an educational app. Remember it can be on any subject and the school winners app will be created and available on the PlayStore.

Class Assembly

Just a reminder that our class assembly is on Friday 13th March and is based on the story of StPatrick. If anyone has any cardboard boxes that we can use then please send them our way. Many thanks for those we have received already!



Dahl (Grey A)- Dinkin Dings and the frightening things (up to pg27)

Rowling (Brown A)– Come Down, Golden (To end)

Walliams (Purple A) – Time to Time Travel – Whole Book

Blyton (Orange A) – Goldilocks and the Big Mess– Whole Book

Wilson (Blue A ) – Oceans – Whole Book


Octagons – Hit the Button (8xtable and dividing by 8)

Pentagons – Hit the Button (4xtable and dividing by 4)

If desired, any additional practise of times tables and division facts will be worthwhile. TopMarks has a variety of games and activities that are very effective.

Class Assembly

The class will be presenting an assembly based on the story of Saint Patrick and his importance to Irish people around the world. This will be held on Friday 13th March and should be visible on the school blog soon. If anyone has green hats/jackets or toy swords/pirate items these can be brought into class for us to use. Many Thanks!



Dahl (Grey A)- Charlie Small, Gorillas vs Leopard Man (To end)

Rowling (Brown A)– Come Down, Golden (up to page 62)

Walliams (Purple A) – Fireflash – Whole Book

Blyton (Orange A) – Flips and Spins– Whole Book

Wilson (Blue A ) – Lets Eat Lunch – Whole Book


Octagons – Hit the Button (8xtable and dividing by 8)

Pentagons – Hit the Button (4xtable and dividing by 4)

If desired, any additional practise of times tables and division facts will be worthwhile. TopMarks has a variety of games and activities that are very effective.

Have a great holiday weekend!