Primary 5/6 Amazing Work

Our class novel this term, Wonder, has been loved by all of the children and myself. We have created some really amazing work across the curriculum linked to our novel. The main theme of the book so far has been kindness therefore we created beautiful art work showing how we can be, and are, kind to others. Every single person worked so hard and I was amazed with the outcome. Here is the display of our work, well done primary 5/6 👏🏼

Term 1 Learning Overviews

We would like to share what we will be learning throughout term 1. click on the photos below to see an enlarged version. I’m sure you’ll agree they’re going to be working hard.

4 Contexts at Dalmellington P1 – Copy

4 Contexts at Dalmellington P2-3 Term 1 (1)

4 Contexts at Dalmellington 3 4

Term 1 overview – 5 6

4 Contexts at Dalmellington P6.7 Term 1 2021 (1)

Primary 5/6 Homework – 06.09.21

Monday 6th August 2021

Good morning,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for a fresh week.

The homework for the week this week is for all children is to practise their spelling words for their spelling test on Friday. The words for the week this week are:

Whizz Kids         Genius Gems              Clever Cookies

their                          swoop                             had

there                         school                             fish

they’re                       prune                            shop

after                          threw                              ship

away                           continue                        kit

bring                          cushion                          flew

right                          understood

home                          likelihood

some                          influence

these                         interview

Additionally, this week all children have been encouraged to look for all of the representations of their sound of the week in a contextualised environment – for example the supermarket, on a road sign etc.

Sounds – all representations of ‘oo’ – Genius Gems

‘au, ew, ow’ – Whiz Kids and Clever Cookies

Maths homework this week should be complete on Sum Dog – to spend at least half an hour on an addition, subtraction or place value math game. As an extra activity please go on to top marks and complete ‘Hit the Button’ for your timetables – choose either your 3,4 or 6 times table for this activity.

For reading this week please log onto Bug Club and complete the newly assigned book for the week – I have uploaded a grammar game for you to play at your leisure.

Have a lovely week!!

Miss McGrane

Primary 2-3

Primary 2/3 took ownership of developing our story wall. This week we studied the book “The Day the Crayons Quit”.  We have held valuable discussions on feelings, stereotypes and protests. We will be doing more work on this book next week!

Fiction Friday

Fiction Friday

Continuing on from our previously successful ‘Promoting Reading’ campaign and in line with DFS / Inclusive Practice, we would like to introduce you to FICTION FRIDAY.

Over the past years we have gratefully received a number of donated books for our school library.  However due to recent times we have not been able to use these books as we used to. We would love for these books to still be read.  So, for the next couple of weeks we will be inviting pupils from our ECC – P4 to select a book from our fiction collection to take home, enjoy and keep.

We hope you will support our campaign by sharing the story with your child at home. You can also add a photo of your child with their book on to our Twitter page (@dalmellingtonps) like before, using the new hashtag #FictionFriday.