Mrs O’Neill Update 24.06.20

Hi Primary 1

Thank you so much to everyone who ‘liked’ my message on Microsoft Teams.  It is a new way of working for us and it is good to know you can access the learning grid and resources.  This is the last week of Primary 1 – can you believe it?  You have had a very different start to school than any other year group and you have coped so well with many changes since you started school in August.

We have been out doing some nature scavenger hunts at the weekend.  I forgot to take photos because we were so busy searching for things!  This is one we tried.

It was so lovely being outside in the warmer weather and looking for specific items made us look more closely at our surroundings.  We talked about the importance of looking at and smelling the flower rather than picking it and taking it home.  This led us on to talking about bees and how important they are, not only to our school, but our environment.  It helped build our problem-solving skills to think through where the best places may be to look for the plants or animals on our list.

Primary 1, I have really enjoyed teaching your class.  Even from home, when your names pop up in my inbox, memories of your smiling faces flash in my head and you make me smile.  I am very lucky to be a teacher and even luckier to have been yours.

Take care, keep well and stay safe,

Mrs O’Neill


Hi Primary 1
How are you?  How has your week been?  I hope you have had a good week and I  have some exciting news to share about where to find your Learning Grid and Resources from next week.
From Monday, I will post your Learning Grid and Resources on Microsoft TEAMS.  We have provided a guide on how to access TEAMS attached to this email.  If you have any questions about how to access the grid or resources, please get in touch and we can help to talk you through it.
Take care,
Jenny O’Neill

Mrs O’Neill’s Update 17.06.20

Hi Primary 1

Thank you so much to everyone who is continuing to email and share their learning experiences during lockdown.  It is always so lovely to hear from you.  I frequently check my emails so if you haven’t got in touch yet, but still want to, please send me a message.  How are you?  How has your week been?  I hope you are all keeping well and continuing to stay safe.

We have moved into the summer months now and, with the weather being mostly dry, I have been learning more about different types of trees.  I found these leaves out on my walk.  Do you know what trees or bushes they belong to?  Ask an adult in your house if they know?  Answers (I think) are at the end of the blog post.

When you are out on your daily exercise, look at the trees and bushes in our local area.  They provide homes and food for animals (including very hungry caterpillars).  They use light to make their food and they help to clean our air.  Trees are important to our health and the health of our planet.

We turned our leaves over so that the veins of the leaf were pointing upwards and sandwiched them between 2 pieces of paper to do some leaf rubbings.

Take care everyone,

Jenny O’Neill



Mrs O’Neill’s Update 10.06.20

Hi Primary 1

Thank you so much to everyone who is continuing to email and share their learning experiences during lockdown.  It is always so lovely to hear from you.  I frequently check my emails so if you haven’t got in touch yet, but still want to, please send me a message.  I’m sorry I don’t have many photos today; I have a new phone now so hopefully I should have more for next week!  I hope you are all keeping well and managing to get outside and enjoy the lovely weather.  What outdoor activities do you enjoy doing?

We went to the beach very early on Sunday morning.  Although it was sunny, it was cold.  We saw a huge aeroplane flying in the sky.  It was very noisy.

We built some sandcastles in the sand and my daughter decided one was Edinburgh Castle, one was Stirling Castle and one was the Dean Castle.  Do you know the name of the castle close to our school?  Have you been there recently for a walk or on your bike?

My daughter decorated her castles with shells and smooth stones.  What do you decorate your sandcastles with?

We also wrote our names in the sand.  If you have sand at your house, you could try writing your name in the sand.  You could even try writing your spelling words in the sand, just like we do in school.

Take care everyone,

Jenny O’Neill


Mrs O’Neill Update 3.06.20

Hi Primary 1

Thank you so much for all your lovely emails last week.  It made me feel happy reading each one.  If you haven’t got round to sending one yet, don’t worry, it would be great to hear from you.  I was delighted to read that some of you have been out posting your ‘hugs’ to friends and family.  I am sure they will be very happy to receive your kind words.  As always if you are having any issues with the grids, please let me know.

Have you been enjoying the sunny weather?  I chose the shadow activity from this week’s learning grid to try out in our garden.  I placed some dinosaurs in the path of the sun and drew around their shadows.

Next, I put out some paints.  I had red, blue and yellow paint at home, but I didn’t have any green, purple or orange paint.  What do you think I did with the yellow, blue and red paint?

I used colour mixing to make orange, green and purple.

Yellow + red = orange

Blue + red = purple

Yellow + blue = green

Then we used our paints to decorate the dinosaurs.

I really enjoyed this activity and you can add more detail to your picture, just like my daughter.  She decided that there should be asteroids and a volcano erupting.  You could use any objects to make shadows, decorate the drawings and then tell an adult a story based on your picture.

Mrs O’Neill Update 27.05.20

Hi Primary 1

How are you?  How has your week been?  I hope you are all well and staying safe.  It must feel like a long time since you have seen each other, but you are doing very well in this difficult time.  When you are able, please check your emails as I have sent you a message and asked if you could reply.  It would be lovely to hear from you!  If you have any issues with the grid or accessing the resources, please get in touch.

The weather was very windy this weekend, so I decided to do a dinosaur scavenger hunt in our house.  I made up clues to find the dinosaurs and gave my daughter 5 minutes to find each dinosaur.  Have a look at the clues and the photos to guess where they were hidden.

On this hunt you’ll need to find surprises dinosaurs left behind,

With each surprise you’ll find a riddling clue that will lead you to some place new

Starting with this one, it is now time go.

Go to where you’d watch a dinosaur show.

You found your first clue thanks to T-Rex,

It’s time to find out where to go next.

No time for a show, we’ve got to move fast

Head to the place where you slept last.

You just missed a Stegosaurus named Spike,

He left you surprise,

Just what you like!

No time to open it, not just yet.

Now go to where shampoo gets wet!

Can you guess where the next dinosaur was hiding?  We had a lot of fun doing our scavenger hunt.  Perhaps you could try one at home.  You could use toy farm animals, shapes or colours or outside doing a nature scavenger hunt.

Take care, stay well and keep safe,

Mrs O’Neill

My new email address is:

Learning Grid and Check-in

Hi everyone,

I’ve sent you an email to ‘check-in’ with you – please send me one back.

Here is this week’s learning grid – email me if you have any issues –

Learning grid 26.05.20

Worksheet and website links:

How We Roll –


Puzzle Plate 1

Puzzle Plate 2

+ and – to 50 and 100

emoji + and –

Adding and subtracting game

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