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P1 and P7 Group Photos

Still time to order for the P1 & P7 group photos

Have you ordered your school Group photo yet? A polite reminder that the closing date for free delivery back to school is
Wednesday 19th March 2025
 Order through the Tempest website using your unique link or visit 

If you need any assistance in ordering your photos, feel free to contact Tempest on 01736 751555 (option 3).

School Football Team

Our school football team recently took part in the Bill Shankly Football Festival at Townhead Park in Cumnock.

Although we didn’t win the tournament, Miss Burleigh said the team represented their school and community very well, showing great sportsmanship and teamwork.

We are very proud of them all!

From L to R: Harry, Harris, Darryl (C), Jamie, Brody, Alfie, Steven, Oscar and Finlay.



School Meals

School Meals

Just a reminder that from today we have moved to the new ordering system for school meals via Parentpay.

How does this affect you ordering for your child? You have to select a main meal and a dessert.

Please note that you can now order soup for your child, but you will be prompted to order a main meal too.

Any meals ordered in advance prior to today will need to be reordered.

If your child has a school meal, please ensure you book before 8am on the day.

Thank you

World Book Day

Primary 7 helped to plan some World Book Day activities across the school. They spent the morning down in P1 reading to the wee ones and they took small groups of P1 and P2 children up to the library to introduce them to some new story sacks. Mrs Robertson has made up these sacks which include a traditional tales story as well as finger puppets or stick puppets to help retell the story.

The P7s also delivered the World Book Day books to each class so that every pupil in the school could take home their very own Book. We would like to say a huge thank to Mrs Robertson who trailed around the shops collecting all the books for us!

Home Circles @ February 2025

In our Home Circles on Tuesday we focused on Article 29 of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child.

Article 29 states that ‘a child or young person’s education should help their mind, body and talents be the best they can. It should also build their respect for other people and the world around them. ‘

The BIG questions our pupils answered were …

  • Why is it important that we come to school?
  • What would an excellent school look, feel and sound like?       

As always, our wonderful Home Circles came up with some insightful and thoughtful answers.  Read them below …

We also focused on our CATRINE Value of Nurture.