ECC Sports Day

The ECC joined us on Thursday for the second half of their Sports Day activities. First the P6 buddies set up challenges for them which they rotated round. Then they stopped for a well deserved snack and the new P1 children gave their buddies a lovely poster. This was followed by the races: the flat race, the sack race and the bean bag race. It was a brilliant morning and it was so nice to see the P6s helping their buddies and all the other children from the ECC. They certainly made us proud!

Health Week Day#4 and Day#5

The last two days of our Health Week have been brilliant!

Yesterday’s challenge of 20 squats and today’s challenge of 20 high kicks – not a problem to the pupils of Catrine PS!

Thanks to everyone who has donated already to our Health Week Family Fitness fundraiser via Parentpay – it will remain open until Monday 14th June.  All money raised will be shared between the PS and the Parent Council to purchase resources for all stages.

Have a lovely weekend!  Mrs Govans