Happy Holidays!

What a year it has been!

We are so proud of all our children, families and staff who have been such superstars during this extraordinary year.  We have faced lots challenges but we have faced them together and achieved so much despite the obstacles in our way.

We have had such a fun week this week to end the year with walks to the park, skimming stones in the river, board games, outdoor games, escape rooms, movies and so much more! Mrs Govans has really missed being with us but she has been enjoying seeing photos and videos of what we have been up to.

P7 enjoyed their fun day on Wednesday and boogied the day away in their disco dome.  We wish them the best of luck as they head to the academy and look forward to hearing how they all get on next year.

We say goodbye to Miss Feighan, Mrs Stewart, Mrs O’Hare and Miss Robertson and thank them very much for all their hard work.

We are delighted to welcome Miss Edmond as our P3 teacher next year, I’m sure she will have a great year at Catrine Primary School.

Please keep a look out over the holidays on our blog and school app for all the arrangements for coming back in August.  Pupils return on Thursday 19th August.

I wish you all a very happy summer holiday.  Keep safe and I look forward to seeing you in August.

Mrs Schendel