Health Week – tomato plants

Thanks so much to Diane, Georgia’s mum, for organising for every pupil in Catrine PS to receive a tomato plant from her work, Sunnyside Nursery in Kilwinning.

Your child will be coming home today with a tomato plant and Diane has created a leaflet to give lots of advice to help with looking after the tomato plant at home.

So, read through the leaflet and we hope you’re enjoying home-grown tomatoes in your salads over the summer months!

Health Week Fitness Challenge – Day 1

It was brilliant to see so many of our pupils in their shorts and t-shirts today to kickstart our Health Week.  Pupils are encouraged to wear suitable outdoor clothing all week so that they can take part in the many healthy and sporty activities planned for them throughout the week.

Today’s challenge was 20 Star jumps.  All classes completed the challenge together in our main playground, and the efforts of all pupils – from P1 to P7 (and the staff!) was great.  Check out our photos below.

The challenge is now back to our families to do 20 Star Jumps at home later today, with as many family members joining in as possible. In partnership with our Parent Council, we’re setting our challenge as a fundraising venture so it would be great if you could log onto Parentpay and make a small donation towards school funds throughout Health Week.  All donations will be used to purchase future resources for Catrine PS pupils.

Tomorrow’s challenge – 20 Burpees! 

C’mon Catrine – we can do it!