Weekly Roundup

Another busy week for P3!


P3 have been learning to recognise proper nouns this week and have also spent lots of time practising their new spelling words using diacritical marking.

As we are focusing on narrative writing this term, P3 have began the process of creating their own narrative story. This week we focused on the main character of our story which is a robot. All pupils designed their own robot and described the colour, size and any special features they may have. We even had some robots that could do the dishes!

Numeracy and Maths 

Our focus Number Talks strategy this week requires pupils to use their knowledge of place value to solve addition calculations. Next week we will continue using this strategy to solve subtraction calculations.

The pupils have also explored fact families for addition and subtraction calculations in numeracy using practical materials. Following this, all pupils  can now confidently state fact families for various calculations.

Additionally, P3 have began building on their knowledge of data handling this week. The pupils were tasked with designing their own pizza with several different toppings. They then counted the number of each toppings using tally marks and presented this information using a frequency table. Next week we will present this information using a bar graph.

All Other Curricular Areas 

The pupils are now experts in identifying bones in the human body and were able to use this knowledge to create their own human skeleton. Next week we will begin to explore the functions of the major organs in the human body.

P3 have also been learning to log into computers and to locate different facilities on the computer more independently.

Thank you so much for all of your hard work this week, P3!

Miss Murdoch


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