All posts by ealinda.babington@glow

Friday 24th April

Good morning everyone,

I hope this will be a fun Friday. Thank you so much for the posters and pictures you have been sending. It is going to be so hard to choose a Superstar because you are all Superstars! I would like to make a slideshow of your posters to post on the blog so that you can see them all. If you are not ok with that can you let me know on Teams or by e-mail? I am posting 2 more bee assignments today in case you are running out of things to do. They are a choice so don’t worry if you don’t get to them. If you have been able to do the music, todays song is a minibeast one (week 5, Friday).  Have a good day everyone.

Try learning a wee poem or song and get someone to record you. You can send it to me or to family you can’t see right now. Or you could write your own poem to perform.

Bee poems

Acrostic Poems

You can ask someone to help you read the information sheet and then try the crossword.

Save our bees

Bee crossword

Thursday 23rd April

Good morning everyone, the forecast is good again for today. I think the weather is trying help us through this.  There will be no new assignments going on today so choose from something you didn’t get to and enjoy finishing your posters. If you are looking for something to do at 11am, there is a kids first aid event online. Information about it is on the school blog. As usual I will be online today so please find time just to check in and tell me about your day. Thank you to all of you who have been checking in by e-mail if you are unable to access Teams. I miss you all, have a great day and get those pools and water guns out! ​​​​​​​

Tuesday 21st April

Good morning everyone,

Don’t forget to log in to Bug Club to read your books and do the learning games. Make sure you find time today to get outside and enjoy the sunshine (don’t forget sunscreen). Have a great day!

tch resources



Choose which of these tasks are most suitable for you.


multiply by 4

This is for information to help you learn more about bees.

parts of a bee


Home Learning 20th April 2020

Good morning everyone, welcome back.

I hope you were all able to enjoy your Easter break and that you and your families are all well. I will be putting your tasks on Teams as well as on here and I hope you will check in with me today. If you have been unable to hand work in on Teams don’t worry but remember you can unload work to your own Blog.

Home Learning 20th April

My News

Four times table

Bees powerpoint

Home Learning Friday 3rd April

Good morning everyone, this is the last day of “school at home” before you get a break for 2 weeks. I know you are not getting to do all of the things you had planned for the holidays but use this time to relax, have some lazy mornings, watch movies, read books, play outdoors, go for walks, build things from junk and most importantly, spend quality time with your family.

No written tasks for today. Try to upload a picture of your Easter Bonnet if you managed to make one. Mrs McLaughland will choose one to put on the school blog. You can also complete any of the tasks you missed if you have time. I have posted a scavenger hunt for fun.

Have a lovely Easter, be kind to each other, stay safe and keep well. x

Scavenger Hunt