Depression Passage questions for practice

The following questions have been created to answer after reading the following adapted article originally found at the Guardian.

1) Read paragraph 1 – 5. Explain how the writer uses language to express his opinion on sadness. (6)

2) How does the context help us understand the meaning of the word ‘pathologise’ in paragraph 7. (2)

3) Read paragraph 9. How is a condescending attitude created towards the DSM through the writer’s use of language? (6)

4) What does the writer think about the sadness cures and how is this opinion created in paragraph 10? (3)

5) Read paragraph 11. Explain how this acts as a link in the passage. (2)

6) Read paragraph 12 -13. IN your own words explain what happened during the University of California case study? (3)

7) Read paragraphs 14 – 16. How does the writer use language and/or sentence structure to convey their thoughts about the different ‘wellness therapies’? (6)

8) How is the ending effective? (2)

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