Great Expectations Chapter 54 notes

  1. Magwitch tells Pip that Pip cannot appreciate freedom. This is because Magwitch has been imprisoned several times in his life and knows the difference between being free and being locked up.

  2. Magwitch uses the river as a metaphor for life as there are rough and smooth bits and it comes to an end. Magwitch knows he doesn’t have long left.

  3. Despite being in danger in this chapter, Magwitch becomes calm. This in in part due to his realisation that he has achieved what he wanted to from his life and being able to see Pip being successful.

  4. The men set out on the start of the escape. Pip worries because a servant at the inn tells him that there is a boat out on the water. Pip thinks it is watching them.

  5. Just as Magwitch is about to get on the ship to freedom, Compeyson and policemen catch Magwitch, Pip, Herbert and Startop in the Thames. Magwitch and Compeyson fight in the water, until Compeyson is drowned. It is unclear whether Magwitch intentionally killed him.

  6. Pip is finally able to accept and love Magwitch because he sees him as a human being with flaws. Pip is no longer judgemental of people. Magwitch also appreciates that Pip has helped him once more when he is a ‘criminal’ and not a citizen.

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