Great Expectations 49 & 50 notes

  1. Miss Havisham asks that she is not revealed as Herbert’s benefactor.

  2. Pip forgives Miss Havisham because he understands her heartbreak.

  3. Miss Havisham means it when she tells Pip that she ‘meant to save her from misery like my own’. She believed that her intentions were good. There is also an element of revenge and spite here too that she was perhaps unaware of till later, and realises that Estella blocks her out sometimes too.

  4. When Pip says that he is stuck in the ‘vanities of sorrow… unworthiness [and] penitence’ he is basically talking about how self-pity and wallowing in your sorrows is a bad thing to do. You never move forward from it. Pip, Miss Havisham and Estella all suffer from these vanities.

  5. Own opinion as to whether Miss Havisham purposefully sets herself on fire.

  6. Pip shows real courage and character in this scene as he rushes to Miss Havisham’s rescue and stays with her through the doctor’s visit. He only leaves because he needs to get back to London to protect Magwitch.

  7. Pip deduces that Estella is Magwitch’s daughter.

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