Great Expectations Chapter 45 & 46 notes

  1. The mood at the Hummums is very dismal. The Hummums is a hostel that is open 24 hours a day. Pip has to go here because his home is being watched for Magwitch.

  2. Pip receives news from Wemmick that Compeyson is in London and that he knows that Magwitch has returned to London. This news shows us that Wemmick is a true friend. He is not obliged to tell Pip anything as a clerk at Jaggers. He shares this information because he is Pip’s friend.

  3. Clara’s house is neat and tidy and well-kept. The house has a nervous edge to it, as Clara is constantly waiting on her bed-ridden father who gets angry if kept waiting, and shouts and stamps a stick off the floor.

  4. Pip tells Magwitch (who is being kept at Clara’s) that people in London know he is there and that they need to get him out the country. Pip doesn’t tell him about Compeyson as he knows this will make Magwitch want to stay and revenge himself.

  5. They have a plan for Pip to buy a boat and create the impression that Pip goes out rowing. They will then take Magwitch out to a ship that is going abroad.

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