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P5/6 Outdoor Learning

In P5/6 we have been planting flowers and helping our community and environment. While we have been doing this we have enjoyed exploring the Secret Garden and finding new little bugs. We even  found a lime green caterpillar in a flower pot. When we went to the outdoor classroom this week we saw some of the flowers are already growing. P5/6 have also enjoyed organising the garden tools and storage area. While walking to the outdoor classroom we were thinking that we have planted something that will make people smile – Ella

In Primary 5/6 we have had so many adventures! One of our fabulous adventures was when we were doing our Skills academy. It was all about community. P5/6 as a class decided we thought we needed some colour in the playground, that’s why we chose to plant some beautiful, colourful, tall plants. Heathhall garden Centre donated lots of bulbs which we can’t wait to see grow! -Ria

P5/6 have been having an amazing time plating bulbs in the Secret Garden and organising the garden tools. We enjoyed showing teamwork and leadership skills when tidying up the greenhouse. We helped many tiny inspect friends on our way to helping the school Secret Garden – Shubhra

In term 3 we have been plating flowers in the outdoor classroom and the Secret Garden. Some people planted small flower bulbs and others planted bulbs that will grow into big, tall flowers – Ethan

P4 Golf

Today P4 enjoyed taking part in a golf session with James and Ryan from The County Golf Club. We learned the names of the different areas on a golf course and we learned the names of the parts of a golf club.

We practised our putting skills and took part in a putting competition.

We are looking forward to learning more golf skills in the next 3 weeks.

Learning in Primary 5 Term 3

In Primary 5 our Digital Leaders, Sophie C and Ruby, have been teaching us how to programme and use the Micro:Bits. We had lots of fun with these and can’t wait to get them out again.


 We have also been using the KAPLA to complete design challenges.  This is something else that we all really enjoy and look forward to getting it out.