All posts by Miss Anderson

Safer Internet Day

On Tuesday, 6th February, P5 had a visit from our Young Digital Leaders – Ellie and Evie.  Ellie and Evie came to share with us technology through time as well as share scenarios and how we should react or how we might feel in that situation.  It was very thought-provoking.

We then made a pledge of what to do to inspire change for a safer internet. Some of our pledgeds are …

* Tell an adult if someone says something rude online

* Do not be mean online

* Will not add strangers

* Don’t give out personal information

* Tell an adult if I see inappropriate content online



Shape in P5

Primary 5 have been exploring Shape in Maths, using lots of concrete resources and practical learning.

We used the Polydron to create 3D shapes and wrote down their properties on a whiteboard.

We used mini marshmallows and cocktail sticks to create a variety of 3D shapes, and again listed their properties.

We used ‘Tinkercad’ to explore 3D shapes using Digital Technologies.

P5 Skills Academy

As part of our learning in Skills Academy about Body Systems we have been looking at the Digestive System.

First of all food enters the mouth and the process begins.  Our teeth and saliva break down our food into smaller chunks.







Our bowl was our mouth and the rolling pin/wooden spoon was our teeth.  We added water for saliva and a drink.

Next this travels down the oesophagus into the stomach.

We used a funnel for the oesophagus and a food bag as our stomach.

We then had to churn the food over in our stomach, this can happen for 6-12 hours in our body.

Then it went on to our intestines.  This is where all the vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and protein is absorbed into our bloodstream to travel around the body to where they are needed.

We used tights for the intestine and had to squeeze as much of the liquid out as wee could.  This is all the goodness our body absorbs from our food.

Finally, it was time to go to the toilet!!!!  Any waste products is excreted as faeces.


Primary 5 were quite surprised about how much our body absorbs back in from the food we eat, but thought this activity was pretty disgusting!!

P5 Learning About Rights …

As part of our work in Literacy Evolve, we have been reading ‘Christophe’s Story.’  A book about a boy who had to flee war in Rwanda and came to England.  We discussed the United Nations Conventions of the Rights of the Child and linked these to parts of the story.  We chose an article to look at and we identified where Christophe’s rights were or were not being met in the story.  This was very though-provoking in understanding that not all children across the glob have access to their rights.


Outdoor Learning

As part of our Rights Respecting Schools and Outdoor Learning we went out into the playground with our chalk.  We had to draw around our partner’s outline and make sure we put our name to it.  Then we had to go around everybody’s and identify the positive qualities they have.  We wrote these inside the body outline.  It was nice to look at all the nice things people said about us.