Category Archives: Latest News at Sheuchan

P5/6 – K’nex Challenge

P.5/6 took part in a K’nex Young Engineers Challenge which involved working together in pairs to create a model using K’nex materials.  Pupils were given a specific challenge with very clear criteria – plan and build a bridge which can accommodate vehicles and can be raised to allow boats of any height to pass freely underneath. They were given specific dimensions and the bridge had to hold a bottle of water to ensure its sturdiness.  Skills developed during this task were cooperation, perseverance, problem solving and resilience amongst many more.  After a very difficult judging process the pupils through to the Cluster Heat, taking place on the 2nd March at Stranraer Academy, are Struan Young and Joshua Fraser.

P3/4 – Enterprise Project

Last term, the boys and girls in P3/4 were learning how to manage a business where they had to make a product, stay within a budget, advertise it and sell it. In addition they had to ensure they made a profit so they had to make a business plan. They wanted to ensure they were environmentally friendly by  using recycled materials or non-plastic materials. The rest of the school really enjoyed going to their shop to purchase a little Christmas decoration that they could take home with them. The fantastic amount of £73.41 was raised and this will be donated to the Stranraer’s Beach Clean Project. Well done to P3/4 for all their hard work.