All posts by S. Office

McMillan Coffee Morning

We would like to invite you to our annual McMillan Coffee Morning on Friday 27th September from 10am until 11.30am. This event has always been well attended and supported through donations from parents and families.

We would like to ask for donations of home banking for Friday morning please.

This is a NUT FREE school so please remember NOT to send in any baking containing nuts.

There may be an opportunity for pupils to purchase home-baking near the end of the day.

We hope to see as many family and friends as possible. Spread the word!

Port Gardens P3/4

P3/4 enjoyed a visit to Port Logan Gardens on Wednesday 1st May. They looked at how to create photographs from the garden. The children were asked what makes a good photo then they were allowed to take photos using frames to help them. Please view the photos. Port Logan will email there photos to us at a later date.

Port Logan Gardens P.6

On Wednesday, 1st May Primary 6 visited Logan Botanical Gardens to participate in a session about photography.  First they looked at a selection of photographs and identified those which were blurry, too busy, wonky etc and then were led into the gardens to identify what would make a great photo.  The session leader, Cath, asked them to look for line and perspective, good backgrounds, frames and block colour amongst other things.  The session was very interesting and the children finished with taking a photo of their own.  These will be emailed to us at a later date.  Have a look at some of the photos which were taken.


Comic Relief

Well done to everyone who contributed to making our Comic Relief day a huge success. We raised £582.32 which is an amazing amount.

Pupils came to school dressed in ‘crazy’ clothes. During the day they took part in different activities such as: decorating a biscuit, having a discothon, shoot the hoop as well as guessing the name of the teddy and having a ‘paint the teacher’s face’ raffle. Leading up to Comic Relief, families took part in the ‘Great Sheuchan Bake Off’ where they had to decorate 4 identical cupcakes or biscuits with a cartoon theme. All entries were fantastic. Lots of fun was had by all and most importantly a lot of money was raised for a very important cause.

Our Busy Day

Primary 6 have had an extremely busy day learning new skills.  This morning they were using Scratch, a coding site, to develop their skills in coding and this afternoon we were helping to create a rap about plastic pollution with Lewis Schofield.  All were very excited.  Photos will be added to the galleries section.