Category Archives: Latest News at Sheuchan

Police Station Visit for P.1

Primary One had a super visit to Stranraer Police station on Tuesday morning as part of “People who help us in our community”. The fresh and breezy walk wakened us up and we were ready to learn by the time we arrived. We split into two groups and one group went with PC Allison to see the cells and learned all about the job of the Police looking after people who are arrested. They also saw all the CCTV cameras in actions around Stranraer. The other group talked to PC McFern about his work in Public Order and got to see him wear all his protective clothing. The two groups then swapped over. The children were able to tell me lots that they had learned when we returned to school. PC Allison will visit us on 5th November with a police car as we were unable to see the cars on this visit.

Bubbly Maths

Today (2nd October) P3, P5 and P6 attended Stranraer Academy to see Bubbly Maths. They met Bubbles the Clown who introduced them to different ways of using balloons for Maths.

Each show from Bubbly Maths showed pupils that maths can be fun, engaging and applied to a huge range of areas such as doubling and halving,  area, volume and length through the use of balloons and bubbles.

Here is the recipe to make the bubble mixture for yourselves at home.


McMillan Coffee Morning

We would like to invite you to our annual McMillan Coffee Morning on Friday 27th September from 10am until 11.30am. This event has always been well attended and supported through donations from parents and families.

We would like to ask for donations of home banking for Friday morning please.

This is a NUT FREE school so please remember NOT to send in any baking containing nuts.

There may be an opportunity for pupils to purchase home-baking near the end of the day.

We hope to see as many family and friends as possible. Spread the word!

Eden Bus P5-7

On 3rd September, the boys and girls visited the Eden Bus at school. This is a bus that is linked to the Baptist Church in Stranraer which joins with Baptist churches in America. All classes had a great time exploring the bus with many wanting their nails painted! Some children chose to go back at night to have a go at the climbing wall. All classes enjoyed their experience.