DC Encyclopedia

Hi all,

I have come to tell you all about the book I have been reading lately, my DC Encyclopedia. I have been reading about the Lantern Corps, all or which are powered by the emotional spectrum. I have also been reading about the Flash and many of his allies. Some of the origins are a bit too hard to explain. I decided to talk about this book because I have a large obsession with DC at the moment. I hope you’ve all been reading good books as well.


Math Horde

Hi all Caspian is back.

Today I had a lot, and I mean a lot of brilliant maths. I got through it very well. It seems I am getting better at fractions and percentages.

My other lesson was to find out 15 facts about seahorses.

They are:

Their Latin name is hippocampus.

The males are the ones who get pregnant.

They mate for life.

They can eat up to 3000 plankton.

They die of exhaustion easily.

See ya tomorrow!!!

French and Spanish Culture

Hi all, Caspian is back.

Today I will be telling you some facts about France and Spain.

French Facts:
France has over 800,000 foreign tourists each year.

Not a surrender, from 1814-1830 their flag was white.

France created number plates.

The average French civilian sleeps for 8.83 hours a day.

France has twelve different time zones.

Spanish Facts:

Spain is the fourth largest country in Europe.

Madrid is the third largest city in Europe.

Spain is the 28th most populated city in the world.

Spain is most famous for bull fighting.

Southern Spain was once ruled by the moors.

I have done some work on Sumdog.

See you tomorrow!🐺

Too Many Sneezes!

Hi all, Caspian is back!

Today my hay fever has reacted very badly. I have been sneezing so much today that my neck hurts. Mum is calling the doctor tomorrow so I can have some medication. I hope he doesn’t bring any daleks with him (Doctor Who joke!!)

We talked a lot today about the implications of litter dropping and pollution. To finish the lesson off, I designed a poster against littering.  Erin’s mum asked if Tanith wanted to do one for a local notice board so Mum thought it would be good if we learnt about the importance of having such signs, so I joined in too.

I ordered a new video game today – The Lego Ninjago Movie video game!!!!!!!

We listened to the First Minister’s speech today. We need to continue self-shielding until at least the end of July when things will be looked at again. I thought it would be boring but it really isn’t. Plus it is really important we stay safe and well.

Goodbye, see you tomorrow! (Hope you liked my Doctor Who joke.)

Let the Ceremony Begin!

Hi, Caspian and Tanith are back!

We had our Sports Day today and it was great fun. We hope you enjoy our videos and pictures showing some of the event.

Team Wolfbane won!!

Some of our races won’t download so Mum will email them to the school. The stop motion film of the magic race was huge fun to do! Enjoy!!

Rain Stopped Play!

Hi all, Caspian is back!

It has rained all day so our back garden sporting arena has been too wet to hold our planned events so we will do them tomorrow instead.

I decided to learn a little about the origins of the Olympics in Ancient Greece, then I wrote a poem which is sport related. Read it in the style of a modern rapper.


Being in the Olympics,

Not all is a fix.

Hitting the archery target right,

Sometimes it gets me into a fight.

Hi, I’m Jo,

I will wave with my bow,

Sometimes I practice at night,

To try get a flight,

Up to the stars,

No, not fly to Mars,

But to rearrange the sky,

And I will tell you why.

When kids look up to their hero,

My image will refresh them like a churro.

That is the story my fan,

Now you know my plan.


Sports Week

Hi all, Caspian is back!

Me and Tanith have been preparing for Sports Week by creating our teams’ banners and logos. Mine is Team Wolfbane. I will post pictures on Friday. We also created some races; mine are – the backwards race, the monster race, the pause/unpause race, the T-shirt race, and the water race.  Yesterday, I mowed the back lawn in preparation for our Sports Day. We managed to find time for a limbo competition – Tanith won, but only because she is smaller and more bendy than me!

Today I have also been helping Mum do a few things at home as she struggles with certain tasks due to her leg brace. I have been continuing my illustrations and story boards for  Cranimals ©™. I have read a lot about the DC characters, Minecraft, photosynthesis, igneous rocks, and a few Beast Quest books.

We have found a nice secluded forest five minutes from home where we can walk without worry of meeting anyone else so we went there on Tuesday.

Tanith made tea tonight, all on her own. She made a tomato pasta cheesy  bake. Mum just did the oven stuff. I have to admit, Tanith did good!!

I have not been blogging until now this week as I have been focussing on stuff and lost track of time.

Bye for now!

Woodland Walk

Hi all, Caspian is back,

Yesterday I accidentally forgot to do my blog, sorry about that.  Even though that means I have more in store for you today! Yesterday, my family and I went out on a long secluded walk – it was near home and no one else was about thankfully as we are shielding due to Mum and Mark being in the high risk group. I went a little mad while walking in the forest and got Mum to do a photo shoot for me! All my pics are in the blog.  Here is a list of things we learnt while we were out on our walk.

We learnt about tree ring dating. It is called dendrochronology and is used to age artefacts in archaeology. It doesn’t apply to tropical trees but it does on British ones.

We did some tree identification. There were some ancient oaks and beeches along the forest walk but also some very young ones.

We did an animal den seek and search. I found two fox dens – one was inhabited (you could tell by the debris at the entrance and the nature of the hole), the other had not been lived in for a long time. We also found a rabbit warren. We also saw some very cute sleeping baby blackbirds in a nesting box.

We saw Sam and Sevi from the road and we shouted hello. Tanith couldn’t see them so Mark put her on his shoulders!

Today, I continued work on my beastiary. I have been writing down my animals powers, strengths and weaknesses.

Mum made some brilliant bread and a spaghetti-sausage casserole.

See ya!

PS Sorry but the photos won’t rotate.

Prep Work for the Beastiary

Hi all, Caspian is back,

Today I have been creating new cranimals and sketching them in preparation for my Cranimal Beastiary. A beastiary is a compendium of animals and facts but there are loads of those so I am doing one for my own creation – THE CRANIMALS. They are hybrids consisting of two animals. I am doing this beacsue Miss Dale gave Tanith an A-Z alliteration challenge and I though I would do something similar for the new P1 children. I would also like to mention cranimals can consist of different mythical animals as well as normal animals.

I have a challenge for you!! If you could create your own cranimal and blog it, it could be featured in my Beastiary.

See you tomorrow.

Bats in the Belfry!

Hi all, Caspian is back,

Today I wrote down some of the bat species I have been researching, drew two of them (common pipistrelle and the long-eared bats), and wrote down some facts about them too.

There are over 1200 species of bat, including:-

Long-eared bat

Common pipestrelle

Common noctule bat

Vampire bat (yes they are real!)

Lesser noctule bat

Natterrers bat

Whiskered bat (looks like a flying shrew)

Big brown bat

Little brown bat

Let’s wrap that up and move on to some batty facts:-

Some bats are as small as bees; the bumblebee bat weighs only 2g and is the world’s smallest mammal. (Also known as Kitti’s hog-nosed bat.)

Not all bats hibernate but the ones that do, hibernate for 183 days.

Long eared bats fold their ears when in flight as their ears slow them down otherwise.

Only three species of vampire bat drink only blood, nothing else.

The largest bats are the flying foxes with wingspans of up to 2 metres and a body weights of up to 1.5 kilograms.

All UK bat species use echolocation (the same thing dolphins use – they send out a sound vibration and when that vibration hits something, it bounces back to the bat and the bat follows the way to the echolocation source)  to navigate and hunt for insects in the dark.

Bats are the only true flying mammals in the world.

A tiny pipistrelle can eat up to 3,000 insects in a night!!

There are pipistrelles and long-eared bats colonies living in Holywood.

Mum says bats are extremely cute!

Today, I also created a menu with all the food groups in it. We are going to prepare it and eat only that for a day.

Goodbye and I’ll be back tomorrow.

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